27 November 2024 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility (GDF), i+solutions, the GDF-contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids for:
ITB-Iplus/GDF-MED/2024/3 for bedaquiline 100mg and 20mg tablets, 3HP tablets (rifapentine/isoniazid 300mg/300mg tablets), rifapentine 300mg tablets and rifapentine 150mg dispersible tablets for the period from 1st January 2025 until 31 December 2025.
The purpose of the Invitation To Bid (ITB) is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with i+solutions on behalf of GDF, for the supply of TB medicines. The ITBs are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures (https://www.stoptb.org/suppliers/quality-assurance). A bid submitted for a product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered for the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and other provisions, specifications and instructions as contained in this dossier.
The ITB comprises of the following:
Annex A. Financial Bid Response Form (Excel file)
Annex B. List and technical specifications of products requested
Annex C. List of priority countries for TB medicines registration
Annex D. i+solutions model Long-Term Agreement (LTA)
Annex E. Declaration of supply restrictions to countries
Annex F. CDP technical tender submission – instructions for use
Annex G. GDF access to supplier information for WHO PQP and ERP assessed TB medicines
Annex H. Indicative non-binding estimated quantities
Annex J. GDF packaging artwork development guidelines
Annex K. Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding
Annex L. TB medicines target prices
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadline for the Request for Clarification on the ITB:
2 December 2024, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 12h30 CET (Central European Time)
Deadline for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids:
9 December 2024, 14h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 9h30 CET (Central European Time)
Any bids submitted after the deadline will be rejected and not be considered during the evaluation.
Opening of the Financial Bids:
9 December 2024 at 16h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 11h30 CET (Central European Time)
1 October 2024 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility (GDF), i+solutions, the GDF-contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids for:
ITB-Iplus/GDF-MED/2024/2, for antituberculosis (TB) medicines and related products for the period from 1st January 2025 until 31 December 2025.
The purpose of the Invitation To Bid (ITB) is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with i+solutions on behalf of GDF, for the supply of TB medicines and related products. The ITBs are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures (/suppliers/quality-assurance). A bid submitted for a product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered for the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and other provisions, specifications and instructions as contained in this dossier.
The ITB comprises of the following:
Annex A. Financial Bid Response Form (Excel file)
Annex B. List and technical specifications of products requested
Annex C. List of priority countries for TB medicines registration
Annex D. i+solutions model Long-Term Agreement (LTA)
Annex E. Technical Bid Response Form for Cat I&III Kit A (Excel file)
Annex F. CDP technical tender submission – instructions for use
Annex G. GDF access to supplier information for WHO PQP and ERP assessed TB medicines
Annex H. Indicative non-binding estimated quantities
Annex J. GDF packaging artwork development guidelines
Annex K. Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding
Annex L. Declaration of supply restrictions to countries
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadline for the Request for Clarification on the ITB:
4 October 2024, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 13h30 CET (Central European Time)
Deadline for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids:
20 October 2024, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 13h30 CET (Central European Time)
Any bids submitted after the deadline will be rejected and not be considered during the evaluation.
Opening of the Financial Bids, will take place on 21 October 2024 at 13h30 IST (India Standard Time) / 10h00 CET (Central European Time)
27 Jun 2024 - Geneva, Switzerland: the Global Drug Facility (GDF) and the Global Fund have published a joint Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Quality Control Agent services and invite all eligible service providers to submit their proposals.
The link to the RFP documents is in here: Negotiation Abstracts (oraclecloud.com)
Deadline for the Clarifications and Questions on the RFP: 15 Jul 2024
RFP initial closing date and time: 07 Aug 2024, 17h00 CET (Central European Time)
RFP extended closing date and time: 21 Aug 2024, 17h00 CET (Central European Time)
Any proposal submitted after the deadline will be rejected and not be considered during the evaluation.
12 July 2024 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility (GDF), i+solutions, the GDF-contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids for:
ITB-Iplus/GDF-MED/2024/1, for delamanid 50mg tablets and delamanid 25mg dispersible tablets for the period 1 September 2024 until 31 December 2025.
The purpose of the ITBs is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with i+solutions for delamanid 50mg tablets and delamanid 25mg dispersible tablets.
The ITBs are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures (/suppliers/quality-assurance). A bid submitted for a product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered for the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and other provisions, specifications and instructions as contained in this dossier.
The ITB comprises of the following:
Annex A. Financial Bid Response Form (Excel file)
Annex B. List and technical specifications of products requested
Annex C. List of priority countries for TB medicines registration
Annex D. i+solutions model Long-Term Agreement (LTA)
Annex E. i+solutions Code of Conduct for suppliers
Annex F. CDP technical tender submission – instructions for use
Annex G. GDF access to supplier information for WHO PQP and ERP assessed TB medicines
Annex H. Indicative non-binding estimated quantities
Annex J. GDF packaging artwork development guidelines
Annex K. Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding
Annex L. Declaration of supply restrictions to countries
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadline for the Request for Clarification on the ITB:
19 July 2024, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 13h30 CET (Central European Time)
Deadline for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids:
6 August 2024, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 13h30 CET (Central European Time)
Any bids submitted after the deadline will be rejected and not be considered during the evaluation.
Opening of the Financial Bids, accessible remotely to all Bidders, will take place on
7 August 2024 at 13h30 IST (India Standard Time) / 10h00 CET (Central European Time)
28 August 2023 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility (GDF), i+solutions, the GDF-contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids for:
ITB-Iplus/GDF-MED/2023/4, for 3HP tablets (rifapentine/isoniazid 300mg/300mg tablets) for the period until 31 December 2024.
The purpose of the ITBs is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with i+solutions for 3HP tablets (rifapentine/isoniazid 300mg/300mg tablets used for the once-weekly, 12 week TB preventive treatment regimen).
The ITBs are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures. A bid submitted for a product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered for the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and other provisions, specifications and instructions as contained in this dossier.
The ITB comprises of the following:
- ITB document
- Annex A. Financial Bid Response Form (Excel file)
- Annex B. List and technical specifications of products requested
- Annex C. List of priority countries for TB medicines registration
- Annex D. i+solutions model Long-Term Agreement (LTA)
- Annex E. i+solutions Code of Conduct for suppliers
- Annex F. CDP technical tender submission – instructions for use
- Annex G. GDF access to supplier information for WHO PQP and ERP assessed TB medicines
- Annex H. Indicative non-binding estimated quantities
- Annex I. GMSD address list
- Annex J. GDF packaging artwork development guidelines
- Annex K. Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadline for the Request for Clarification on the ITB: 30 August 2023, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 13h30 CET (Central European Time)
Deadline for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids: 4 September 2023, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 13h30 CET (Central European Time)
Any bids submitted after the deadline will be rejected and not be considered during the evaluation.
Opening of the Financial Bids, accessible remotely to all Bidders, will take place on 5 September 2023 at 13h30 IST (India Standard Time) / 10h00 CET (Central European Time)
20 July 2023 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF), i+solutions, the GDF-contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids for:
ITB-Iplus/GDF-MED/2023/3, for bedaquiline 100mg tablets for the period until 31 December 2024.
The purpose of the ITBs is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with i+solutions for bedaquiline 100mg tablets.
The ITBs are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures. A bid submitted for a product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered for the ITB evaluation
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and other provisions, specifications and instructions as contained in this dossier.
The ITB comprises of the following:
- ITB document ITB-Iplus/GDF-MED/2023/3
- Annex A. Financial Bid Response Form (Excel file)
- Annex B. List and technical specifications of products requested
- Annex C. List of priority countries for TB medicines registration
- Annex D. i+solutions model Long-Term Agreement (LTA)
- Annex E. i+solutions Code of Conduct for suppliers
- Annex F. CDP Technical tender submission - Instructions for use
- Annex G. GDF access to supplier information for WHO PQP and ERP assessed TB medicines
- Annex H. Indicative non-binding estimated quantities of products requested
- Annex I. GMSD address list
- Annex J. GDF packaging artwork development guidelines
- Annex K. Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding
- Annex L. Declaration of supply restrictions for bedaquiline 100mg tablets
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadline for the Request for Clarification on the ITB: 26 July 2023, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 13h30 CET (Central European Time)
Deadline for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids: 7 August 2023, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) / 13h30 CET (Central European Time)
Any bids submitted after the deadline will be rejected and not be considered during the evaluation.
Opening of the Financial Bids will take place on 8 August 2023 at 13h30 IST (India Standard Time) / 10h00 CET (Central European Time)
Request for clarification - Answers 27.07.2023
23 June 2023 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF), i+solutions, the GDF- contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids for:
ITB-Iplus/GDF-MED/2023/2, for pediatric 3FDC tablets for the period until 30 June 2024.
The purpose of the ITBs is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with i+solutions for pediatric 3FDC tablets.
The ITBs are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures. A bid submitted for a product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered for the ITB evaluation
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and other provisions, specifications and instructions as contained in this dossier.
The ITB comprises of the following:
- ITB document ITB-Iplus/GDF-MED/2023/2
- Annex A: Financial Bid Response Form
- Annex B: List and technical specifications of products requested
- Annex C: List of priority countries for TB medicines registration
- Annex D: i+solutions model long-term agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: i+solutions Code of Conduct for Suppliers
- Annex F: CDP Technical tender submission - Instructions for use
- Annex G: GDF access to supplier information for WHO PQP and ERP assessed TB medicines
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding estimated quantities of products requested
- Annex I: GMSDs address list
- Annex J: Global Drug Facility packaging artwork development guidelines
- Annex K: Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadline for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids: 4 July 2023, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) or 13h30 CET (Central European Time)
Any bids submitted after the deadline will be rejected and not be considered during the evaluation.
Public opening of the Financial Bids, accessible remotely, will take place on 5 July 2023 at 13h30 IST (India Standard Time) or 10h00 CET (Central European Time)
Request for clarification - Answers 28.06.2023
24 February 2023 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF), IDA Foundation (IDA), the GDF- contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids (ITB) for:
ITB-IDA/GDF-MED/2023/1, pretomanid tablets for the period until 31 December 2023.
The purpose of the ITBs is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with IDA for pretomanid.
The ITBs are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures. A bid submitted for a product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered for the ITB evaluation
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and other provisions, specifications and instructions as contained in this dossier.
The ITB comprises of the following:
- ITB document IDA/GDF-MED/2023/1
- Annex A: Financial Bid Response Form
- Annex B: List and technical specifications of products requested
- Annex C: List of priority countries for TB medicines registration
- Annex D: IDA model long-term agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: IDA Purchase general terms and conditions
- Annex F: IDA code of conduct
- Annex G: GDF access to supplier information for WHO PQP and ERP assessed TB medicines
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding estimated quantities of products requested
- Annex I: GMSDs address list
- Annex J: Global Drug Facility packaging artwork development guidelines
- Annex K: Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding
- Annex L: CDP Technical tender submission - Instructions for use
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadlines for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids: Friday 3 March 2023, 17h00 IST (India Standard Time) or 12h30 CET (Central European Time)
Public opening of the Financial Bids, accessible remotely, will take place on Monday 6 March 2023 at 13h30 IST (India Standard Time) or 9h00 CET (Central European Time)
Request for clarification - Answers 01.03.2023
11 April 2022 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF), IDA Foundation (IDA), the GDF’s contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids for the following tender:
ITB-IDA/GDF-MED/2022/1, for the supply of antituberculosis (TB) medicines for the period 1 July 2022– 31 December 2023.
The purpose of the Invitation To Bid (ITB) is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement (LTA) with IDA for the supply of TB medicines.
Only Bidders with products that comply with the GDF Quality Assurance Policy are eligible to participate in this ITB. A bid submitted for product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered for the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and other provisions, specifications and instructions as contained in this ITB dossier.
The ITB comprises of the following:
- ITB document IDA/GDF-MED/2022/1
- Annex A1: Technical Bid Response Form for Cat I&III Kit A (Excel file)
- Annex A2: Financial Bid Response Form (Excel file)
- Annex B: List and technical specifications of products requested
- Annex C: List of priority countries for TB medicines registration
- Annex D: IDA model long-term agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: IDA Purchase general terms and conditions
- Annex F: IDA code of conduct
- Annex G: GDF access to supplier information for WHO PQP and ERP assessed TB medicines
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding estimated quantities of products requested
- Annex I: GMSDs address list
- Annex J: Global Drug Facility packaging artwork development guidelines
- Annex K: Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding
- Annex L: CDP Technical tender submission - Instructions for use
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to the rejection of the Bids.
Deadlines for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids: Monday 2 May 2022 at 16:00h IST (India Standard Time) or 12h30 CET (Central European Time)
Public opening of the Financial Bids will take place on Wednesday 4 May 2022 at 10.30h IST (India Standard Time) or 7h00 CET (Central European Time)
Request for clarification - Answers 20.04.2022
Attention to all Bidders re: ITB-IDA/GDF - MED/2022/1 - Deadline for submission/modification of product/s in FPP In-Market and/or country registration in FPP registration modules
Dear Bidders,
Please be informed that for the ITB-IDA/GDF - MED/2022/1, the deadline for submission/modification of product/s in FPP In-Market and/or country registration in FPP registration modules, including uploading of supporting documents for GDF review/approval is Wednesday 27 April 2022 at 19.00 CET.
After this deadline, any submission/modification of products and/or country registration in both CDP modules by Bidders will NOT be reviewed/approved by GDF.
Please remember that after any submission/modification of a product and/or a country registration in both CDP modules, the status of the product / country registration will become “pending” and therefore not eligible to be selected for this tender via the CDP Portal under “GDF Tender / Technical Tender Submission” module. GDF will not be liable for the non-eligibility of product and/or country registration for this tender if Bidder does not respect the above deadline.
22 September 2020 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF), IDA Foundation (IDA), the GDF- contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids (ITB) for:
ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2020/001, for medicines for the treatment of drug-sensitive forms of tuberculosis, and
ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2020/002, for medicines and related products for the treatment of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis.
The purpose of the ITBs is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with IDA.
The ITBs are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures. A bid submitted for a product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered for the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and other provisions, specifications and instructions as contained in this dossier.
The ITB comprises of the following:
1. for ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2020/001:
- 2020 ITB document FLD final [.pdf]
- Annex A1 - Technical FLD Bid Response Form. [xlsx]
- Annex A2 - Financial FLD Bid Response Form. [xlsx]
- Annex B - List and technical specifications of products FLD [.pdf]
- Annex C - Response Form for TB medicines registration Revised new version 24_09_2020. [xlsx]
- Annex D - IDA model long-term agreement [.pdf]
- Annex E - IDA general terms and conditions [.pdf]
- Annex F - IDA code of conduct [.pdf]
- Annex G - GDF access to supplier information [.pdf]
- Annex H - Indicative non-binding estimated quantities FLD [.pdf]
- Annex I - GMSD address list [.pdf]
- Annex J - Global Drug Facility packaging guidelines [.pdf]
- Annex K - ITB checklist. [docx]
- Annex L- List of Priority Countries for Registration [.pdf]
- Annex X - Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints. [docx]
You can also download all ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2020/001 files in one .zip file by clicking: here
2. for ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2020/002:
- 2020 ITB document SLD final [.pdf]
- Annex A1 - Technical SLD Bid Response Form. [xlsx]
- Annex A2 - Financial SLD Bid Response Form. [xlsx]
- Annex B - List and technical specifications of products SLD [.pdf]
- Annex C - Response Form for TB medicines registration Revised new version 24_09_2020. [xlsx]
- Annex D - IDA model long-term agreement [.pdf]
- Annex E - IDA general terms and conditions [.pdf]
- Annex F - IDA code of conduct [.pdf]
- Annex G - GDF access to supplier information [.pdf]
- Annex H - Indicative non-binding estimated quantities SLD [.pdf]
- Annex I - GMSD address list [.pdf]
- Annex J - Global Drug Facility packaging guidelines [.pdf]
- Annex K - ITB checklist. [docx]
- Annex L- List of Priority Countries for Registration [.pdf]
- Annex X - Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints. [docx]
You can also download all ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2020/002 files in one .zip file by clicking: here
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadlines for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids:
Monday 05 October 2020, 16:00h IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2020/001
Wednesday 07 October 2020, 16:00h IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2020/002.
Faxed or proposals sent through courier are not acceptable.
Public opening of the Financial Bids of both ITBs, accessible remotely, will take place on 14 October 2020 at following times:
- at 13.30 IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2020/001
- at 14.30 IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2020/002
Request for clarification - Answers 30.09.2020
Q&A IDA/GDF - FLD/2020/001 - 30 September 2020
Q&A IDA/GDF - SLD/2020/002 - 30 September 2020
19 December 2019 - Geneva, Switzerland - Newly published Request for Proposal (RFP) for Quality Assurance Services. Eligible service providers are requested to submit proposals as per the below link and within the specified timelines.
12 December 2018 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF), IDA Foundation (IDA), the GDF- contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids (ITB) for:
ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2019/001, for medicines for the treatment of drug-sensitive forms of tuberculosis, and
ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2019/002, for medicines and related products for the treatment of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis.
The purpose of the ITBs is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with IDA.
The ITBs are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures. A bid submitted for a product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered for the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and other provisions, specifications and instructions as contained in this dossier.
The ITB comprises of the following:
1. for ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2019/001:
- Annex A1 - Technical FLD Bid Response Form 2019. [xlsx]
- Annex A2 - Financial FLD Bid Response Form 2019. [xlsx]
- Annex B - List and technical specifications of products FLD [.pdf]
- Annex C - Response Form for TB medicines registration. [xlsx]
- Annex D - IDA model long-term agreement [.pdf]
- Annex E - IDA general terms and conditions [.pdf]
- Annex F - IDA code of conduct [.pdf]
- Annex G - GDF access to WHO PQ-ERP supplier information [.pdf]
- Annex H - Indicative non-binding estimated quantities FLD [.pdf]
- Annex I - GMSDs address list [.pdf]
- Annex J - Global Drug Facility packaging guidelines [.pdf]
- Annex K - ITB checklist FLD. [docx]
- Annex L- List of priority countries for registration [.pdf]
- Annex X - Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding. [docx]
- ITB-GDF-IDA-FLD-2019 document [.pdf]
You can also download all ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2019/001 files in one .zip file by clicking: here
2. for ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2019/002:
- Annex A1 - Technical SLD Bid Response Form 2019. [xlsx]
- Annex A2 - Financial SLD Bid Response Form 2019. [xlsx]
- Annex B - List and technical specifications of products SLD [.pdf]
- Annex C - Response Form for TB medicines registration. [xlsx]
- Annex D - IDA model long-term agreement [.pdf]
- Annex E - IDA general terms and conditions [.pdf]
- Annex F - IDA code of conduct [.pdf]
- Annex G - GDF access to WHO PQ-ERP supplier information [.pdf]
- Annex H - Indicative non-binding estimated quantities SLD [.pdf]
- Annex I - GMSDs address list [.pdf]
- Annex J - Global Drug Facility packaging guidelines [.pdf]
- Annex K - ITB checklist SLD. [docx]
- Annex L- List of priority countries for registration [.pdf]
- Annex X - Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding. [docx]
- ITB-GDF-IDA-SLD-2019 document [.pdf]
You can also download all ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2019/002 files in one .zip file by clicking: here
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadlines for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids:
Wednesday Tuesday 16 January 2019, 16:00h IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2019/001
Tuesday 22 January 2019, 16:00h IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2019/002.
Faxed or proposals sent through courier are not acceptable.
Public opening of the Financial Bids of both ITBs will take place at IDA Foundation’s Mumbai office on 30 January 2019 at following times:
- at 10.30 IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2019/001
- at 11.30 IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2019/002
No more than two representatives per Bidder should attend the public opening of the Financial Bids.
Request for clarification - Answers
Friday 21 September 2018
Attention all Bidders
Extension of date for Notification of Awards to Bidders
This is to announce that the timeline for Notification of Awards to Bidders has been further revised by IDA/GDF and will now be by Friday 28 September 2018, COB Geneva/Amsterdam time.
Wednesday 19 September 2018
Attention all Bidders
Change of date for Notification of Awards to Bidders
This is to announce that the timeline for Notification of Awards to Bidders has been revised by IDA/GDF and will now be by Friday 21st September 2018, COB Geneva/Amsterdam time.
Request for clarification - Answers
14 August 2018 - Geneva - On behalf of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) of the Stop TB Partnership, IDA Foundation, the GDF contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit a bid for medicines for the treatment of drug sensitive and drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis (TB) for the period 1st November 2018 – 31 March 2019 as described in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).
This ITB is open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with the GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures (published at www.stoptb.org/gdf/drugsupply/quality_sourcing_process.asp). A bid submitted for a product for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered in the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and such other provisions, specifications and instructions contained in this dossier. The ITB comprises the following in order of precedence:
- ITB document
- Annex A1: Technical TB Bid Response Form (Excel spreadsheet)
- Annex A2: Financial TB Bid Response Form (Excel spreadsheet)
- Annex B: List and technical specifications of products
- Annex C: Response Form for TB medicines registration
- Annex D: IDA model long-term agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: IDA general terms and conditions
- Annex F: IDA code of conduct
- Annex G: GDF access to WHO PQP/ERP supplier information
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding estimated quantities
- Annex I: GMSDs address list
- Annex J: Global Drug Facility packaging guidelines
- Annex K: ITB checklist
- Annex X: Form for Requests for Clarifications or Complaints after ITB awarding
You can also download all above mentioned ITB files in one .zip file by clicking: here
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadlines for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids:
Emailed bids must be received by latest 10 September 2018 at 16:00h IST (India Standard Time). Bids received after the stipulated date and time will be rejected.
Financial Bids will be publicly opened at IDA Foundation Mumbai office on 11 September 2018 at 13:30h IST (India Standard Time). IDA Foundation will ensure remote connection via telephone or internet if requested 3 working days prior to the public opening. No more than two representatives per Bidder should attend the public opening of the Financial Bids.
Tuesday 12 December 2017
Attention all Bidders
Change of date for Request for information on the ITB and Responses to requests for clarification
This is to announce that with reference to ITB-IDA/GDF - SLD/2018/002 and ITB-IDA/GDF - FLD/2018/001, clause 1.4.1., GDF/IDA herewith makes an amendment in section 1.4. "Timeline of the ITB" for following activities.
- Request for information on the ITB (section 3.1.9) - New deadline: Friday 15 December 2017, 16:00h IST (India Standard Time)
- Responses to requests for clarification on the ITB (section 3.1.10) - New deadline: Wednesday 20 December 2017, 16:00h IST (India Standard Time)
8 December 2017 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF), IDA Foundation (IDA), the GDF-contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit bids (ITB) for:
ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2018/001, for medicines and related products for the treatment of drug-sensitive forms of tuberculosis,
ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2018/002, for medicines for the treatment of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis.
The purpose of the ITBs is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with IDA.
The ITBs are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures. A bid submitted for a product/s for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered in the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and such other provisions, specifications and instructions contained in this dossier.
The ITB comprises the following:
- for ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2018/001:
- ITB-IDA-GDF-FLD-2018 Document
- Annex A1: Technical FLD Bid Response Form (Excel spreadsheet)
- Annex A2: Financial FLD Bid Response Form (Excel spreadsheet)
- Annex B: List and technical specifications of products FLD
- Annex C: Response Form for TB medicines registration
- Annex D: IDA model Long Term Agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: IDA Terms and Conditions
- Annex F: IDA Code of conduct
- Annex G: GDF access to WHO PQP-ERP supplier information
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding estimated quantities FLD
- Annex I: GMSDs address list
- Annex J: GDF Artwork Packaging Labelling Guidelines
- Annex K: ITB Checklist Form FLD
- Annex L: Products that have potentially low profit margins
- You can also download all ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2018/001 files in one .zip file by clicking: here
- for ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2018/002:
- ITB-IDA-GDF-SLD-2018 Document
- Annex A1: Technical SLD Bid Response Form (Excel spreadsheet)
- Annex A2: Financial SLD Bid Response Form (Excel spreadsheet)
- Annex B: List and technical specifications of products SLD
- Annex C: Response Form for TB medicines registration
- Annex D: IDA model Long Term Agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: IDA Terms and Conditions
- Annex F: IDA Code of conduct
- Annex G: GDF access to WHO PQP-ERP supplier information
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding estimated quantities SLD
- Annex I: GMSDs address list
- Annex J: GDF Artwork Packaging Labelling Guidelines
- Annex K: ITB Checklist Form SLD
- Annex L: Products that have potentially low profit margins
- You can also download all ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2018/002 files in one .zip file by clicking: here
Responses to Requests for Information related to ITB-IDA/GDF - FLD/2018/001.
Responses to Requests for Information related to ITB-IDA/GDF - SLD/2018/002.
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of the ITB may lead to disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadlines for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids:
Friday 19 January 2018, 16:00h IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2018/001
Tuesday 23 January 2018, 16:00h IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2018/002.
Faxed or proposals sent through courier are not acceptable.
Public opening of the Financial Bids of both ITBs will take place at IDA Foundation’s Mumbai office on 31 January 2018 at following times:
- at 10.30 IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-FLD/2018/001
- at 11.30 IST (India Standard Time) for ITB-IDA/GDF-SLD/2018/002
No more than two representatives per Bidder should attend the public opening of the Financial Bids.
Thursday 02 March 2017
Attention all Manufacturers
Round 16 joint Expression of Interest
Please refer to the link below for the round 16 joint Expression of Interest that invites manufacturers of anti-tuberculosis medicines to submit a dossier for the required products to the Expert Review Panel (ERP) for an assessment and evaluation. The deadline for submission is 4 April 2017. The results of the ERP assessment and evaluation are expected in June 2017.
Wednesday 30 November 2016
Attention all Bidders
Change of date for Notification of Awards to Bidders
This is to announce that the timeline for Notification of Awards to Bidders has been revised by IDA/GDF and will now be by Monday December 5, 2016, COB Geneva/Amsterdam time.
18 October 2016 - Geneva, Switzerland - On behalf of Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF), IDA Foundation (IDA), the GDF-contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit a bid for medicines and related products for the treatment of Drug Sensitive forms of TB as described in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).
The purpose of this ITB is to select a panel of suppliers who will enter into a long-term agreement with IDA to supply the First Line Anti-TB medicines (FLDs) and related products specified in Annex B of this ITB document.
This ITB is open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures. A bid submitted for a product for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered in the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and such other provisions, specifications and instructions contained in this dossier. The ITB comprises the following in order of precedence:
- ITB GDF-IDA-FLD-2016-002 document
- Annex A1: Technical FLD Bid Response Form 2016 (Excel spreadsheet)
- Annex A2: Financial FLD Bid Response Form 2016 (Excel spreadsheet)
- Annex B: List and Technical Specifications of products
- Annex C: Response form for anti-TB medicines Registration
- Annex D: IDA Model Long-term Agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: IDA General Terms and Conditions
- Annex F: IDA Code of Conduct
- Annex G: GDF Access to WHO PQ/ERP supplier information
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding FLD estimates for 2017
- Annex I: GMSDs address list
- Annex J: Global Drug Facility Packaging Guidelines
- Annex J1: Artwork sample for India program
- Annex K: ITB checklist Form
- Questions and Answers
You can also download all the files in one .zip file by clicking here.
Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of this ITB may be grounds for disqualification of the bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
Deadline for electronic submission of Technical and Financial Bids: 16 November 2016 at 16.00 hours IST (India Standard Time).
Faxed or proposals sent through courier are not acceptable.
Public opening of the Financial Bids will take place at IDA Foundation’s Mumbai office on 23 November 2016 at 10.00 IST (India Standard Time).
1 February 2016 - Geneva - On behalf of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) of the Stop TB Partnership, IDA Foundation, the GDF contracted procurement agent, invites all eligible suppliers to submit a bid for medicines for the treatment of Drug Resistant forms of TB as described in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).
This ITB is open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with the GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures (published at www.stoptb.org/gdf/drugsupply/quality_sourcing_process.asp). A bid submitted for a product for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered in the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and such other provisions, specifications and instructions contained in this dossier. The ITB comprises the following in order of precedence:
- ITB document
- Annex A: Bid response form (Excel spread sheet)
- Annex B: Technical Specifications / Product list
- Annex C: Response form for anti-TB medicines Registration
- Annex D: IDA Model Long-Term Agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: IDA General Terms and Conditions
- Annex F: IDA Code of Conduct
- Annex G: Artwork Sample for India Programme Supply
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding estimated quantities for ROW and India Programme
- Annex I: Addresses GSMDs for DAP delivery for India Programme
- Annex J: GDF Artwork Packaging Labelling Guidelines
This ITB combines the total GDF requirements for the supply of Anti-TB medicines for treatment of Drug Resistant forms of TB, including the requirements of India Programme. Therefore no separate ITB for India will be published or organized. Bidders are requested to quote unit prices in accordance with the following delivery terms: EXW (Ex-Works), FCA (Free Carrier Alongside) and DAP India.
Failure to adhere to the requirements of this ITB may be grounds for disqualification of the Bidder and/or rejection of the bid. Bids should be sent electronically to: bids@idafoundation.org
Faxed or courier proposals are not acceptable.
Emailed bids must be received by latest 13.00 hours IST on 29th of February 2016. Bids received after the stipulated date and time will be rejected.
Bids will be publicly opened at IDA Foundation Mumbai office on 2nd March 2016 at 10.00 hours IST.
Invitation to bid for the selection of Second and Third Line anti-TB drugs
30 January 2015 - Geneva - On behalf of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) of the Stop TB Partnership, IDA Foundation, the GDF contracted procurement agent invites all eligible suppliers to submit a bid for the Second and Third Line anti-TB drugs described in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).
This Invitation to Bid is open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with the GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures (published at www.stoptb.org/gdf). A bid submitted for a product for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered in the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and such other provisions, specifications and instructions contained in this dossier. The ITB comprises the following in order of precedence:
- ITB DOC, including SECTIONS 1-9
- Annex A: Bid response form (Excel spread sheet)
- Annex B: Technical Specifications / Product list
- Annex C: Response form for Registration (in High Burden Countries and others countries)
- Annex D: IDA Model Long-term Agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: IDA General Terms and Conditions
- Annex F: IDA Code of Conduct
- Annex G: Disclosure Letter for Access to information
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding Forecasts for 2015
- Annex I : GDF Artwork packaging Labelling guidelines
Failure to adhere to the requirements of this ITB may be grounds for disqualification of the Bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
The bid must be submitted electronically and no later than 16.00 hours Indian Standard Time (IST) on 20th February 2015 to bids@idafoundation.org. Faxed or courier proposals are not acceptable.
Invitation to bid for the selection of Second and Third Line anti-TB drugs for India
12 January 2015 - Geneva - On behalf of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) of the Stop TB Partnership, IDA Foundation, the GDF contracted procurement agent invites eligible suppliers to submit a bid for the Second and Third Line anti-TB drugs Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) In India, as described in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).
This Invitation to Bid is open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with the GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures (published at www.stoptb.org/gdf). A bid submitted for a product for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered in the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and such other provisions, specifications and instructions contained in this dossier. The ITB comprises the following in order of precedence:
- ITB document
- Annex A: Bid response form Excel spread sheet
- Annex B: List consignees for India programme
- Annex C: List of quantities required for India programme
- Annex D: Contractual Provision of Purchase order
- Annex E: IDA Terms and Conditions
- Annex F: IDA Code of Conduct
- Annex G: Technical Specifications MDRTB
- Annex G: Technical Specifications XDRTB
Failure to adhere to the requirements of this ITB may be grounds for disqualification of the Bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
The bid must be submitted electronically and no later than 16.00 hours Indian Standard Time (IST) on 27th January 2015 to bids@idafoundation.org. Faxed or courier proposals are not acceptable.
Invitation to bid for the selection of First Line anti-TB drugs
22 October 2014 - Geneva - On behalf of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) of the Stop TB Partnership, IDA Foundation, the GDF contracted procurement agent invites all eligible suppliers to submit a bid for the First Line anti-TB drugs described in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).
This Invitation to Bid is open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with the GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures (published at www.stoptb.org/gdf). A bid submitted for a product for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered in the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and such other provisions, specifications and instructions contained in this dossier. The ITB comprises the following in order of precedence:
- ITB DOC, including SECTIONS 1-9
- Annex A: Bid response form (Excel spread sheet)
- Annex B: Technical Specifications / Product list
- Annex C: Response form for Registration (in High Burden Countries)
- Annex D: IDA Model Long-term Agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: IDA General Terms and Conditions
- Annex F: IDA Code of Conduct
- Annex G: Disclosure Letter for Access to information
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding Forecasts for 2015
Failure to adhere to the requirements of this ITB may be grounds for disqualification of the Bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
The bid must be submitted electronically and no later than 16.00 hours Indian Standard Time (IST) on 14th November 2014 to bids@idafoundation.org. Faxed or courier proposals are not acceptable.
Invitation to bid for the selection of First Line anti-TB drugs
22 October 2014 - Geneva - On behalf of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) of the Stop TB Partnership, IDA Foundation, the GDF contracted procurement agent invites all eligible suppliers to submit a bid for the First Line anti-TB drugs described in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).
This Invitation to Bid is open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with the GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures (published at www.stoptb.org/gdf). A bid submitted for a product for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered in the ITB evaluation.
All bids are subject to the Instructions to Bidders and such other provisions, specifications and instructions contained in this dossier. The ITB comprises the following in order of precedence:
- ITB DOC, including SECTIONS 1-9
- Annex A: Bid response form (Excel spread sheet)
- Annex B: Technical Specifications / Product list
- Annex C: Response form for Registration (in High Burden Countries)
- Annex D: IDA Model Long-term Agreement (LTA)
- Annex E: IDA General Terms and Conditions
- Annex F: IDA Code of Conduct
- Annex G: Disclosure Letter for Access to information
- Annex H: Indicative non-binding Forecasts for 2015
Failure to adhere to the requirements of this ITB may be grounds for disqualification of the Bidder and/or rejection of the bid.
The bid must be submitted electronically and no later than 16.00 hours Indian Standard Time (IST) on 14th November 2014 to bids@idafoundation.org. Faxed or courier proposals are not acceptable.
29.10.2013 - the IDA Foundation announced, as a contracted procurement agent of the WHO/Global Drug Facility (GDF), the opening of two BIDs to procure second and third line anti-tuberculosis (TB) medicines:
- A global BID: reference ITB-IDA/GDF 2013/005 and;
- A specific BID for the Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) in India: reference ITB-IDA/GDF INDIA 2013/003
These Invitations to Bid are open to bidders whose products have been deemed eligible for inclusion in the tender in compliance with the GDF's Quality Assurance policy and procedures (published at www.stoptb.org/gdf) and who have been shortlisted accordingly. A bid submitted for a product for which the bidder has not received regulatory approval status in accordance with the GDF Quality Assurance policy and procedures shall not be considered in the ITB evaluation.
Bidders whose products shall be prospectively compliant in the near future may be conditionally invited to bid for the product(s) in question at the discretion of IDA/GDF.
All suppliers who expect their products to be compliant by the time of bid opening can submit bids in the ITB, and those that achieve approval by bid opening will be assessed according to that status, if relevant confirmation is provided to IDA/GDF latest 3 hours before bid opening in writing. The bid response form must be used when replying to this invitation. Failure to submit the bid in the attached bid response form, or failure to complete the details as requested, may result in rejection.
Emailed bids MUST be received by latest 16.00 hours IST on 18th of November. Bids received after the stipulated date and time will be excluded.
Bids will be publicly opened at IDA Mumbai office on 19th November 2013 at 10.00 hours IST.
Bids will only be accepted in US DOLLARS. Bids received in any other currency will be rejected.
Notice on Invitation for Submission of Expressions of Interest to Providers of laboratory kit assembly services for diagnostics and consumables for diagnosis of TB using the Ziehl - Neelsen staining technique
Documents for the EOI can be downloaded via this link:
The deadline for submissions under the EOI is Monday, 16 September 2013
Notice on Invitation for Submission of Expressions of Interest for Consulting Services in Supply Chain Management
Documents for the EOI can be downloaded via this link :
Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Consulting Services in Supply Chain Management
The deadline for submissions under the EOI has been extended to Friday, 26th April 2013 14h00 CET
Notice on Invitation for Submission of Expressions of Interest for the supply of laboratory instruments, tools, chemicals and consumables for diagnosis of TB and Multi-Drug Resistant TB
Documents for the EOI can be downloaded via this link :
The deadline for submissions under the EOI is Monday, 6 May 2013
Questions, Answers and note for this EOI :
Questions, Answers and Notes Version 2
Questions, Answers and Notes Version 1
Annex 4 - Detailed Product List for EOI - March 2013 - V2.xlsx
Notice on Request for Proposals For Procurement Agent Services for Anti-Tuberculosis Medicines, Diagnostics and related Health Products
The Global Drug Facility (GDF), the procurement arm of the Stop TB Partnership, housed at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the provision of Procurement Agent Services for Anti-Tuberculosis Medicines, Diagnostics and related Health Products.
The deadline for submissions under the RFP is Friday, 14 September 2012.
Note: The deadline for submitting the Acknowledgement and Confidentiality documents for the RFP to GDF is extended to 24 August 2012.
Note: The deadline for submitting hand-delivered bids is extended to 17 September 2012 at 14.15 h Geneva time. See below Q&A V 4.0 for details.
July 2012 RFP PA Services Q&A V 1.0 [.zip]
July 2012 RFP PA Services Q&A V 3.0 [.docx]
July 2012 RFP PA Services Q&A V 4.0 [.docx]
July 2012 RFP PA Services Q&A V 5.0 [.docx]
The Global Drug Facility (GDF), the procurement arm of the Stop TB Partnership, housed at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, has issued a Call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) for provision of laboratory kit assembly services for diagnostics, equipment and consumables for diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) using fluorescent LED microscopy technology. Qualified service providers are invited to express their interest. Further details on the EOI can be found at:
The deadline for submissions under the EOI is Thursday, 15 December 2011.
Global Drug Facility, Stop TB Partnership, c/o World Health Organization, 20 avenue Appia, CH-1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, email: gdf@stoptb.org
Expression of Interest - LED Microscopes [.zip]
Questions and answers for EOI on LED Microscope launch [.doc]
August 2011 - Expression of Interest - Laboratory Ventilation System [.zip]
Re: August 2011 - Expression of Interest - Laboratory Ventilation System. Please note that the deadline for submissions under this EOI has been extended to Thursday, 01 September 2011.
Re : August 2011 - Expression of Interest - Laboratory Ventilation System - Questions and Answers V1
India RFP awarded suppliers [.pdf]
Request for Proposals for Procurement Agent Services for New Diagnostics for Tuberculosis [.zip]