ETTi Working Group Team Members

Membership is open to any individual, institution, or agency which supports the goal of the ETTi WG. Non-Core Group members will be invited, based on their potential contribution to the activities, to join in the various activities of the ETTi WG.

On an annual basis, the Secretariat shall update the list of ETTi WG members and request WG members to renew their interest.

ETTi Team Members

Grigory Volchenkov, MD, 

Independent TB and Airborne IPC Consultant
Vladimir, Russia

Martie van der Walt PhD, MSc, MBA 

Independent consultant: TB/HIV epidemiology & Pandemic preparedness
Pretoria, South Africa

Paul A. Jensen, PhD, PE, 

Independent Consultant
Final Approach Inc & Engineers in Public Health 
Daytona, USA

Richard L. Vincent, MS, 

Administrative Manager
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, USA

Aldo Daniel Vilchez Burga

Engineer, Independent Consultant
V&V Inc
Lima, Peru


Anita Rani Kansal

Nursing Superintendent and CNE Chairperson, 
National Institute for Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (NITRD)

National Assessor for National Quality Assurance Standards, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
New Delhi, India



Gyanshankar P.  Mishra, MD DNB, MNAMS, FNCCP(I)

Associate Professor, Respitarory Medicine
Indira Gandhi Government Medical College and Hospital
Nagpur, India



Helene-Mari van der Westhuizen, MD, DPhil

Co-founder and Vice Chair of Board, TB Proof
Posdoctoral researcher, Nuffield Departement of Medicine, Oxford University
UK and South Africa



Jako Nice, PhD

Senior Lecturer, Tshwane University of Technology, Department Architecture
Research Associate, University Pretoria, Department Architecture
Principal Architect, Studio Konstruk,
Pretoria, South Africa



Jerod N. Scholte, MPH, DSc

Senior Consultant
KNCV TB Plus Foundation
The Hague, The Netherlands




Jun Cheng, MS 

Tuberculosis prevention and Control
Beijing, China 




Manpreet Bhalla, MBBS, MD

Director & Head of Microbiology Department
National Institute of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases (NITRD)
New Dheli, India



Matsie Mphahlele, PhD

Technical Director
The Aurum Institute
Johannesburg, South Africa



Varvara Vauhkonen, MS

Ventilation Engineer and Independent Consultant
Helsinki, Finland


Yuhong Liu, PhD

Senior Expert
Beijing Chest Hospital / Clinical Center on Tuberculosis, China CDC (CCTB)
Beijing, China

Suvanand Sahu, MBBS, MD, DNB

Deputy Executive Director, Stop TB Partnership

Geneva, Switzerland


Avinash Kanchar, MD

Medical Officer, Global Tuberculosis Programme
Geneva, Switzerland


Sevim Ahmedov, MD, MPA

TB/HIV, Prevention and M&E Team Lead
USAID, Bureau for Global Health, TB Division
Washington, DC, USA