Please check that you match the below criteria to become an eligible supplier for StopTB/GDF procurement:
Are you the manufacturer of a TB medicine(s)? Please note that wholesalers or resellers of medicines are not eligible to be suppliers to StopTB/GDF.
Do you produce a TB medicine(s) that are in the current StopTB/GDF Medicines Catalog? Or do you produce a WHO-recommended medicine/new formulation for TB treatment that is not yet listed in the StopTB/GDF catalog?
Does your TB medicine(s) fully comply with StopTB/GDF’s Quality Assurance policy?
If you have answered "yes" to the three eligibility criteria above, please contact StopTB/GDF at gdf@stoptb.org, to the attention of the Sourcing and QA team.
StopTB/GDF will then require you to provide a list of information and supporting documentation about the TB medicine(s) you offer.
Upon verification of the information and supporting documentation provided, StopTB/GDF will inform you if your TB medicine(s) is eligible for StopTB/GDF procurement.
Suppliers of a TB medicine(s) eligible for StopTB/GDF procurement will be invited to participate in StopTB/GDF tenders organized jointly with its contracted procurement agent.
Suppliers awarded will enter into a long-term agreement (LTA) with the contracted procurement agent on behalf of StopTB/GDF and be able to start supply of TB medicine(s) to StopTB/GDF clients.
For information on current and past StopTB/GDF tenders, suppliers are invited to refer to the StopTB/GDF Procurement Notices and the Procurement Notices Archive.