Global Health Campus,
Chemin du Pommier 40,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland
Who We Are
- Stop TB Partnership
- The Secretariat
The board
- Board Members
Board Meetings
- 12-14 December 2024, Abuja, Nigeria
- 6-8 February 2024, Brasilia, Brazil.
- 23-26 March 2023, Varanasi, India
- 19-20 May 2022, Hybrid
- 28-30 September 2021, Virtual
- 18-20 November 2020, Virtual
- 11-12 December 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia
- 29-30 January 2019: Geneva, Switzerland
- March 2018: New Delhi, India
- 17-18 May 2017: Berlin, Germany
- 19-20 September 2016: New York, USA
- 29 November 2015: Cape Town, South Africa
- 14-15 April 2015: Paris, France
- 15 July 2014, Seattle, USA
- 14 July 2014, Seattle, USA (Retreat)
- January 2014, Cape Town, South Africa
- July 2013, Ottawa, Canada
- July 2013, Ottawa, Canada (Retreat)
- November 2012: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- January 2012: Bangkok, Thailand
- January 2012: Bangkok, Thailand (Retreat)
- March / April 2011: Washington DC, USA
- October 2010: Johannesburg, South Africa
- May 2010: Hanoi, Viet Nam
- November 2009: Geneva, Switzerland
- March 2009: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- October 2008: Bagamoyo, Tanzania
- May 2008: Cairo, Egypt
- October 2007: Berlin, Germany
- April 2007: Geneva, Switzerland
- November 2006: Jakarta, Indonesia
- April 2006: Abuja, Nigeria
- November 2005: Assisi, Italy
- May 2005: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- October 2004: Beijing, China
- March 2004: New Delhi, India
- October 2003: The Hague, Netherlands
- April 2003: Brasilia, Brazil
- October 2002: Cape Town, South Africa
- February 2002: Osaka, Japan
- Other meetings
- Board Committees
- Board Delegations
- Report of Decision Points
- Board Affairs Documents and News
Stop TB Working Groups
Child and Adolescent TB
- 2021 Virtual annual meeting
- 2020 Virtual annual meeting
- 2019 Annual meeting
- First paediatric antituberculosis drug optimization (PADO TB 1) meeting, February 2019
- 2018 Annual Meeting
- Committing to ending TB in children, adolescents and families, 24 September 2018
- 2017 Annual Meeting
- 2016 Annual Meeting
- 2014 Annual Meeting
- 2013 Annual Meeting
- Annual meeting of the Childhood TB Subgroup, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11 November 2012
- Past Events
- 2022 Virtual annual meeting
- Meetings Child & Adolescent TB
- Objectives
- Core Team Child & Adolescent TB
- Structure
- Repository of Resources
- Publications
- End TB Transmission Initiative
- Global Drug-resistant TB Initiative
Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI)
- GLI Mission
- GLI News
GLI Guidance and Tools
- GLI Specimen Referral Toolkit
- TB Laboratory Accreditation
- GLI Quick Guide to TB Diagnostics Connectivity Solutions
- GLI Stepwise Process towards TB Laboratory Accreditation
- GLI TB Laboratory Safety Handbook
- GLI guide for the interpretation and reporting of line probe assays
- Planning and Budgeting Tool for TB and drug resistant TB testing
- Practical Guide to Implementation of Truenat tests
- Practical implementation of LF-LAM for detection of active TB in people living with HIV
- Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Training Packages
- Partner Links
- Join Us
- GLI EQA Dashboard
- GLI working group - Team members
- Meetings & Events
New Diagnostics
- Task Force on Biomarkers for TB point-of-care tests
- Task Force on NGS and DST
- Task Force on TBI and test of progression
- News
- Task Force on Community Engagement
- New Diagnostics Working Group Resources
- NDWG - About us
- NDWG - Our Team
- NDWG - Task Forces
- NDWG - Publications
Meetings & Events
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2021
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2020
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2019
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2018
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2017
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2016
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2015
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2014
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2013
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2012
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2011
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2010
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2009
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2008
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2007
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2006
- Events Archive
- NDWG Annual Meeting 2004
- Subgroup on Community, Poverty and Advocacy
- Subgroup on Diagnostics for Latent TB Infection
- Subgroup on Diagnostics for Paediatric TB
- Subgroup on Drug Susceptibility Testing
- Subgroup on Evidence Synthesis and Policy
- Subgroup on Point Of Care Diagnosis
- New TB Drugs
- New TB Vaccines
Public-Private Mix (PPM) For TB Care and Prevention
- Core Group
- Objectives
- PPM Learning network to End TB launched at the Union World Conference on Lung Health
- PPM Working Group News
- PPM Working Group Key Documents
PPM Working Group Meetings
- 17th Global PPM Working Group Meeting
- 16th Global PPM Working Group Meeting
- 15th Global PPM Working Group Meeting
- 18TH Global PPM Working Group Meeting
- Mini-Meet PPM Group May 2021
- WHO consultation on enhanced TB-PPM Dashboards with seven PPM priority countries
- 19TH Global PPM Working Group Meeting
- 14th Global PPM Working Group Meeting
- Structure
- 13th PPM Working Group Meeting
Child and Adolescent TB
What we do
Advocate To #EndTB
- Advocacy and Communications
- World TB Day
- UN High-Level Meeting on TB
- Global Fund Disease Split
- Global Plan to End TB
- Step up for TB: National TB Policies
- Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends, 2005-2023
- Hello Kitty
- The G20
- Supporting communities to overcome access barriers
Accelerate TB innovations
- Re-imagining TB care
Digital Health Technology Hub
- AI-Powered Cough Analysis and Monitoring
AI-Powered Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) Software
- Case Studies
- Evaluations
Focus Group on AI-based Imaging for TB
- CAD and X-ray experience sharing from India
- FG-AITB Webinar 5 - Pakistan Experience
- FG-AITB Webinar 6 - Cambodia Experience
- FG-AITB Webinar 7 - Vietnam Experience
- FG-AITB Webinar 8 - Uganda Experience
- FG-AITB Webinar 9 - Janna Health Foundation Experiences in Nigeria
- Implementing CAD and Ultra-Portable X-ray in Nigeria
- Resources for Implementing CAD and X-ray
- Community-Led Monitoring Tools
- Diagnostics Connectivity Solutions
- Digital Adherence Technologies
- Global DAT Task Force
The Introducing New Tools Project
- Artificial intelligence-powered computer-aided detection (CAD) software
- Country experiences
- Rapid molecular diagnostics for use at peripheral level
- Next-generation skin tests
- Ultra-portable digital X-ray systems
- Interferon Gamma Release Assays for detection of TB infection
- Digital treatment adherence and support technologies
- Diagnostics connectivity solutions
- Targeted next-generation sequencing
- Resources for implementation
- Access pricing
- Facilitate Access to TB Drugs & Diagnostics
- Provide technical support and capacity building
Advocate To #EndTB
- Partner With Us
- Resources
- News
- Donate