World TB Day 2016
24 March - "Unite to End TB!"
GHIC - 13th Global Health & Innovation Conference
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, 16-17 April 2016
6th Advanced TB Diagnostics Course
20-24 June 2016
Registration deadline 7 February 2016
This advanced course will cover advanced topics in TB diagnostics research and implementation, including incremental value of new tests, impact of new tests on clinical decision-making and therapeutic choices, cost-effectiveness in routine programmatic settings, and impact on patient-important outcomes. The course will introduce multivariable approaches to diagnostic research, and cover alternative designs which evaluate patient outcomes, including the diagnostic RCT, and implementation research. The course will also cover meta-analysis, mathematical modeling, and cost-effectiveness studies. Panel discussions will cover topics such as value chain for TB diagnostics development, market analyses, market dynamics, target product profiles, and barriers to scale-up of new diagnostics. Participants will include product manufacturers, donors, product development partnerships, policy makers, academics, clinicians, community advocates, public health implementers and National TB Program managers.
Advanced course in TB diagnostic research
29 November - 1st December 2015
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Course flyer
8th FIND Symposium
3 December 2015, 13:30-17:00
Cape Town, South Africa
More information
McGill Summer Institute in Infectious Diseases and Global Health
Deadline for applications: 28 February 2015
- 2nd TB Research Methods Course, July 6-10, 2015 Course details
- Global Health Diagnostics Course, July 6-10, 2015 Course details
- 5th Advanced Course in TB Diagnostic Research, July 13-17, 2015 Course details
6th GLI Partners’ Meeting
30 April - 2 May 2014, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Workshop on Pediatric Tuberculosis
"Addressing research gaps in Diagnostic TB Biomarkers in Children"
5-6 May 2014, NIAID, Bethesda, MD, United States
4th Advanced TB Diagnostic Research Course
7-11 July 2014, Montreal, Canada
8th Scientific Symposium on the occasion of World TB Day 2014
"HIV-TB comorbidity - current challenges and strategies"
20-21 March 2014, Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Berlin, Germany
International Conference on Tuberculosis
"Scientific Research Progress and Hope in the Fight against Tuberculosis"
24 March 2014, University of Gent, Belgium
8th National Conference on Laboratory Aspects of Tuberculosis
19-21 August 2013, San Diego, CA, United States
Conference website
ERS Annual Congress 2013
7-11 September 2013, Barcelona Spain
Conference website
Biomarkers for Tuberculosis: New Questions, New Tools
8-11 September 2013, Chantilly, VA, United States
Link to conference website
44th Union World Conference on Lung Health
30 October - 3 November 2013, Paris, France
Conference website
Advanced TB Diagnostic Research Course
McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 8-12 July 2013
Registration deadline: 1 Feb 2013
Course flyer
Previous course materials available at:
ESM Congress 2013
Florence, Italy, 30 June-3 July 2013
Conference website
5th Annual GLI Meeting
Les Pensières, Veyrier-du-Lac, France, 15-18h April 2013
Registrations at:
1st ASLM International Conference
Cape Town, South Africa, 4-7 December 2012
Global Laboratory Initiative Workshop "Guidance on Available Tools and Approaches Towards Laboratory Accreditation"
Saturday 1st December 2012, 08:30-12:00
Email registrations to
43rd Union World Conference on Lung Health
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 13-17 November 2012
Conference website
22nd Stop TB Partnership Coordinating Board Meeting
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 19-20 November 2012
1st Symposium TB Watch: Can we eradicate TB?
Barcelona, Spain, 27 September 2012
Symposium website
Tuberculosis 2012: Biology, Pathogenesis, Intervention Strategies
Paris, France, 11-15 September 2011
Conference website
6th Conference of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease - Europe Region 2012
London, UK, 4-6 July 2012
Conference website
Congress of the European Society of Mycobacteriology
Brasov, Romania, 1-4 July 2012
Conference website
3rd South Africa TB Conference
Durban, South Africa
12-15 June 2012
Conference website
Bio International Convention
Boston, USA
18-21 June 2012
Conference website
Advanced TB Diagnostic Research Course
Montreal, Canada, 9-13 July 2012
Registration deadline: 1 March 2012
Link to: Announcement
Advanced TB Diagnostic Research Course
Cape Town, South Africa, 6-9 March 2012
Registration deadline: 31 January 2012
Link to: Announcement
21st Stop TB Partnership Coordinating Board
30 January-1 February 2012, Bangkok, Thailand
3rd Global Symposim on IGRAs
12-15 January 2012, Waikoloa, Hawaii
42nd Union World Conference
26-30 October 2011, Lille, France,
Link to Conference website
Synergies in the development of New Diagnostics, Drugs and Vaccines for Tuberculosis
A symposium organized jointly by the Stop TB Partnership’s Working Groups on New Diagnostics, New Drugs and New Vaccines
28 October 2011, 16:45-18:45, Lille, France
Link to flyer and agenda
Annual Meeting of the Working Group on New TB Drugs
26 October 2011, 8:00-12:30, Lille, France
Link to agenda
TB Diagnostics in India - From importation to imitation and innovation
25-26 August, Bangalore, India
This conference will convene industry leaders, innovative thinkers, researchers, funders, TB controllers and policy makers, to stimulate increased industry/biotech engagement in diagnostic innovations that can help TB control in India and elsewhere. Sessions will focus on topics such as market size for TB diagnostics, IVD market analysis and value chain, target product profiles and market needs, frugal innovation and affordable diagnostics, intellectual property issues, regulation of diagnostics, sources of funding, prize models, business models for engaging private sector, scientific obstacles for R&D, barriers to innovation in India, improving academia-industry relations, and role of emerging economies and BRICS in the next wave of TB innovations.
Conference details and registration
Advanced Course on TB Diagnostic Research,
5-8 July 2011, Montreal, Canada
This advanced course will cover the principles behind diagnostic research, diagnostic study designs, sources of bias, and value chain for TB diagnostics development. Also, critical appraisal of diagnostic studies, and conventional and advanced methods for systematic reviews (meta-analyses) of diagnostic tests will be presented, along with the GRADE approach to diagnostic policies.
View flyer with full course details
Workshop on TB and HIV Diagnostics in Adult and Paediatric Populations
28-30 June 2011, Silver Spring, MD, USA
The development, evaluation, and implementation of new and improved diagnostics has been identified as a critical need by HIV and TB researchers and clinicians alike. Though there is work underway to develop diagnostic devices, coordination of clinical evaluations and guidance for implementation are needed to accelerate appropriate uptake of these devices. Accelerated adoption of these technologies requires defining the critical path for their evaluation and identification of potential barriers to adoption, which can only occur through alignment of key stakeholders and their respective roles in the path.
This workshop will address a wide range of issues including the following:
- Clinical Research and Development in TB Diagnostics
- Diagnostic Research Issues in the Paediatric Population
- Strategies for Implementing Molecular Point-of-care Diagnostics for HIV and TB
International Childhood Tuberculosis Meeting,
17-18 March, 2011, Stockholm
Together with the Childhood TB Subgroup (DEWG-STOP TB Partnership) the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), is hosting a meeting on the topic childhood tuberculosis (TB), in a joint effort to highlight the current situation and to move the agenda forward in order to achieve a concerted advocacy approach and to hear the voice of the children.
Children with TB are often neglected and due to limited resources are often not given high priority in national TB control programmes. There is also little consideration for children when developing new tools for the diagnosis and treatment of TB. In order to put childhood TB on the agendas of TB control and research we need to strengthen our advocacy approach to communicate the importance of childhood TB.
2nd ANDI Stakeholder meeting
5, 6, 7 October 2009
Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa
WHO Expert Group Meeting on New TB diagnostics
7, 8, 9 September 2009
Geneva, Switzerland
Workshop on T-Cell Based Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Resource-Limited Settings
16-17 March 2006
Ramada Park Hotel, Geneva, Switzerland
Meeting Announcement
Meeting Agenda
Improving the Diagnosis of Tuberculosis through Optimization of Sputum Microscopy
Expert Consultation, WHO Headquarters
Geneva 1-2 September 2005