Provide technical support and capacity building

The Stop TB Partnership technical support mechanisms are the following:

At global level, Stop TB Partnership works as a conveyor, facilitator and supporter of TB community stakeholders on:

Global advocacy and communication efforts

  • Global civil society and TB affected communities’ meaningful engagement and support
  • Global engagement with private sector providers, manufacturers and developers

These are achieved through a wide range of engagements including with TGF Board, TGF Grant Approval Committee and Strategy Committee participations, situation rooms, and joint working groups as well as bilateral work.

At regional level, various technical support is provided by the Stop TB Partnership to TGF regional and country teams, regional Green Light Committees (rGLC), multi-country initiatives, regional civil society and TB affected community networks.

At country level, Stop TB Partnership provides targeted technical support for:

  • finding missing people with TB through program implementation (supported by TGF and other donors)
    participating/joining/conducting national program reviews and assessments organized by World Health Organisation (WHO), TGF, National TB Programs (NTP) and other partners
  • identifying solutions to overcome social, legal, economic and gender related barriers to access TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment, care and support services, and stigma reduction
  • supporting capacity building on specific areas and advocacy to reach the UNHLM targets
  • building capacity, coordination and meaningful engagement of TB affected communities and TB survivors in policy and program design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation

Country, regional and global TA is achieved through a number of initiatives, such as the Strategic Initiative to Find Missing People with TB (SI), Find.Treat.All, Challenge Facility for Civil Society, OneImpact community-based monitoring, Zero TB Initiative, as well as through direct engagement with countries’ TB programs.

Technical support is provided by Stop TB Partnership teams: CCS4i, TB-REACH, the Global Drug Facility (GDF), as well as through 8 rosters of experts and more than 200 consultants – including expertise in the development of TGF funding requests, reprogramming and implementation.

Targeted countries

Stop TB Partnership works with all TGF eligible countries. The type of support provided is based on funding that might be prioritized (e.g. USAID priority countries, TGF SI countries etc.)

Thematic areas of technical assistance

  • Global Fund grant implementation, including funding request development, Technical Review Panel (TRP) clarifications, grant making and operationalization
  • Finding missing people with TB through:
    • active case finding
    • private sector TB care
    • data for action
    • innovative strategies
  • Overcoming social barriers to accessing quality TB services i.e. stigma and community monitoring etc.
  • Promoting “South-South learning” as well as supporting advocacy for policy change
  • Supporting the introduction and roll out of new tools through the different teams of Stop TB Partnership (a4i, TBREACH, CCS4i, GDF), for example: drug resistant TB, MDR TB paediatric formulations, adaptation of guidelines, implementation plans, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), clinical management, capacity building etc. 
  • Sustaining meaningful engagement of TB affected communities and civil society through Challenge Facility for Civil Society to ensure people affected by TB and local communities are supported to identify, monitor and overcome social barriers to accessing quality services.
  • Contributing to country missions, assessments and reviews as part of Joint Program Reviews, rGLC missions etc.
  • Providing funding to governmental and non-governmental partners to drive innovation into TB service delivery through Stop TB Partnership’s innovation platform TB REACH. TB REACH has supported more than 50 countries globally with funding to improve TB case detection as well as treatment outcomes. TB REACH has supported more than 250 partners and has vast experience in documenting results through an independent M&E process.
  • Working to ensure equitable access to TB medicines and diagnostics through Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility (GDF), such as:
    • TB market stewardship, management, and coordination across all stakeholders
    • technical assistance and capacity building to strengthen national TB procurement and supply planning
    • TA to expedite introduction of new TB medicines, regimens and diagnostics
    • procurement and supply of TB medicines, diagnostics, laboratory supplies and infection control products