NDWG - Our Team


Membership in the New Diagnostics Working Group (NDWG) is free and is open to any institutions and expert individuals involved in the development and implementation of accurate, robust and affordable diagnostics for tuberculosis.

Members represent a wide range of stakeholders from the public and private sectors, including academia, national TB programmes, reference laboratories, industry, NGOs and the patient community from all over the world.

The NDWG consists today of more than 450 members committed to the global fight against TB in the perspective of improved diagnosis. They contribute with information, participation in discussions on specific issues and input aiming at generating evidence.

Once a year, NDWG members convene at the NDWG  Annual Meeting which is held in conjunction with the Union World Conference to review activities and progress, and to share updates on scientific and technological advances in different areas of development of new TB diagnostics.



The Core Group provides leadership and sets the strategic direction for the work of the New Diagnostics Working Group. The Core Group is designed to facilitate and accelerate decision-making, and to act as a catalyst to effective implementation of the Global Plan to End TB.

The Core Group is representative of the broad constituencies involved in the development and implementation of new TB diagnostics and consists of the following members:


Dr. Madhukar Pai,

McGill University, Canada





Dr. Nazir Ismail

University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

Dr. Christopher Gilpin,

International Organization for Migration (IOM), Switzerland

Camilla Rodrigues

Hinduja Hospital, Mumbai, India.

Dr. Chandrasekhar Nair,

Bigtec Labs & Molbio Diagnostics, India

Renuka Gadde

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), USA


Task Force on Biomarkers for TB point-of-care tests.

  • Emily Maclean, University of Sydney, Australia

Task Force on TBI and test of progression.

  • Alberto Mateelli, University of Brescia, Italy

 Task Force on NGS and DST. 

  • Sophia Georghiou, FIND, Swizertland

 Task Force on Community Engagement.

  • Ramya Ananthakrishnan, REACH India, India

 Task Force for Preservation of New Drugs and Regimens. 

  • Juliano Timm, TB ALLIANCE, USA


Join us

If you would like to join the NDWG, you are welcome to complete the application form.

Membership form

Contact us

The Secretariat of the New Diagnostics Working Group is housed by FIND.

Email: NDWG@finddx.org