The Stop TB Partnership is proud to announce that 100 organisations from 29 countries across seven regions will receive funding under Round 11 of the Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS). This milestone investment will empower TB-affected communities and civil society organizations to lead advocacy, accountability, and community-driven TB responses at national and global levels.
With the addition of US$1.5 million from the Global Fund, a historic US$10.5 million is now dedicated to strengthening community leadership in the fight to End TB. This funding will support civil society organizations to:
Mobilise and amplify community voices in the lead-up to and during the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB.
Engage with country-level Partnership platforms to drive advocacy and resource mobilisation for increased domestic financing for TB.
Participate in Global Fund New Funding Model 4 processes and National Strategic Planning & Reviews.
Increase demand for essential TB services and ensure equitable access to new TB tools and guidelines.
Combat TB stigma, address barriers to TB services, and reach those most vulnerable to TB.
Global leaders have pledged to end TB by 2030, recognising that community-driven approaches are central to achieving this goal. The 2018 UN Political Declaration on TB emphasised the need for stronger commitments and investments in TB affected community, reducing stigma and overcoming barriers to quality services. The CFCS plays a critical role in making this vision a reality by ensuring that TB-affected communities and civil society are at the heart of national, regional and global TB responses.
"The demand for CFCS Round 11 was overwhelming, yet we could only fund less than 50% of the requests," said Dr. Lucica Ditiu, Executive Director of the Stop TB Partnership. "This clearly shows how vital CFCS is for TB-affected communities and civil society. We now expect these 29 countries to set an example — working closely with governments, communities, and partners to drive strong, ambitious, and people-centered TB responses. Our focus must remain on what matters most—the people affected by TB and the critical role of civil society in shaping the future of TB care."
“Supporting Challenge Facility for Civil Society grantees is key to ensuring that national TB responses are truly community-led,” said Marijke Wijnroks, Chief of Staff at the Global Fund. “The Global Fund is proud to invest an additional US$1.5 million into this vital initiative, ensuring that communities remain at the forefront of the fight against TB.”
The Stop TB Partnership warmly welcomes the organisations selected under Round 11 and looks forward to collaborating over the next 12 months to drive progress in the fight to end TB. The full list of successful organisations can be found below:
Track 1: Country Level Grantees | |
Bangladesh | Institute of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of Bangladesh (IACIB) KHULNA MUKTI SEBA SANGSTHA (KMSS) Nari Maitree |
Cambodia | Khmer HIV/AIDS NGO Alliance (KHANA) |
Cameroon | FOR IMPACTS IN SOCIAL HEALTH Join Acting Process for the Success of Sustainable Objectives (JAPSSO) Kenko Foundation Association |
DR Congo | Club Des Amis Damien ABSL Focus Droits Et Acces Stop TB RDC Synergie Des Organisations De La Societe Civile Pour La Promotion Des Droits Humains Et De L’environement Sydhe ABSL |
Ethiopia | Ethiopian Muslim Relief and Development Association Organic Health Care Service Ethiopian Residents Charity (OHCS) REACH Ethiopia Volunteer Health Services |
Ghana | GHANA NATIONAL TB VOICE NETWORK Hope for Future Generations STOP TB GHANA PARTNERSHIP Sustainable Communication Response for Tuberculosis |
India | Blossom Trust Karnataka Health Promotion Trust Humana People to People India Pi Consulting / Survivors Against TB |
Indonesia | Jaringan Indonesia Positif Rekat Peduli Indonesia Foundation Perkumpulan Organisasi Pasien TB Indonesia (POP TB Indonesia) Yayasan KNCV Indonesia Yayasan Pena Bulu |
Kazakhstan | MAD Consulting Public Fund Representative Office of Non-Profit Organization Partners In Health in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Kenya | KENYA CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS Kenya Legal and Ethical Issues Network on HIV and AIDS Stop TB partnership-Kenya MOI'S BRIDGE COMMUNITY WELFARE ASSOCIATION The Fantasy Soccer Academy (FSA) |
Kyrgyzstan | PARTNERSKAYA SET ASSOC. PROGRA Public Foundation AIDS Foundation East-West in the Kyrgyz Republic Social Fund KNCV-KG TB People in Kyrgyzstan |
Malawi | Development Aid from People to People - DAPP Malawi Facilitators of Community Transformation Malawi Network of AIDS Services Organisations Southern African Human Rights Litigation Centre Trust |
Mozambique | Association of Mozambican Mineworkers (AMIMO) Associacao Mocambicana para a Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo (ADPP) |
Myanmar | Alliance Myanmar (MAHAMATE Health Care Organization) |
Nepal | Multi-dimensional Resource Centre (MRC) Society for Positive Atmosphere and Related Support to HIV and AIDS Trishuli Plus |
Nigeria | DEBRICHE HEALTH DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Grassroots Development and Empowerment Foundation (GRADE Foundation) Lawyers Alert Association Makurdi STOP TB PARTNERSHIP NIGERIA Society for Family Health, Nigeria |
Pakistan | Association for Social Development Bridge Consultants Foundation Dopasi Foundation TBpeople Pakistan Foundation |
Papua New Guinea | KP Advocacy Consortium PNG |
Peru | Asociación de Personas Afectadas por Tuberculosis del Perú (ASPAT PERU) SERVICIO DE MEDICINAS PRO-VIDA |
Philippines | Action for Health Initiatives (ACHIEVE), Inc. Cavite Positive Action Group The JcH Advocacy Inc. Innovations for Community Health, Inc. |
South Africa | TB HIV Care TB Proof NPC Ubunye Foundation Trust WACI Health |
Tajikistan | Association 'Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan' Branch of Caritas Internationalis in Tajikistan |
Tanzania | CHIMABA SANAA GROUP-(CHIMABA) Family Welfare Foundation Mapambano ya Kifua Kikuu na Ukimwi Temeke (MUKIKUTE) MWITIKIO WA KUDHIBITI KIFUA KIKUU NA UKIMWI TANZANIA Pastoral Activities and Services for People with AIDS /HIV Dar es Salaam Archdiocese Tanzania TB Community Network (TTCN) |
Uganda | Masaka Association of Persons with Disabilities Living with HIV/AIDS Philomera Hope Center Foundation SORAK Development Agency The Registered Trustees of The Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) Uganda Stop TB Partnership |
Uzbekistan | ISHONCH VA HAYET |
Viet Nam | Centre for Supporting Community Development Initiatives Trung tâm Phát triển sáng kiến về sức khỏe cộng đồng |
Zambia | Community Initiative for TB, HIV/AIDS & Malaria plus other related Diseases Development Aid From People to People in Zambia (DAPP) National Ex-miners and Allied Workers Association of Zambia |
Zimbabwe | Disaster and Environmental Management Trust Stop TB Partnership Zimbabwe Students And Youth Working on reproductive Health Action Team Jointed Hands Welfare Organisation |
Track 2: Regional Level Grantees | |
Anglophone Africa | Africa Coalition on TB Lawyers Alert Association Makurdi |
Asia and the Pacific | APCASO Foundation |
Eastern Europe & Central Asia | Center for Health Policies and Studies |
Francophone Africa | Dynamique de la réponse d’Afrique francophone à la tuberculose (DRAF TB) |
Global | Lean on Me Foundation |
Latin America and the Caribbean | Socios En Salud Sucursal Peru |
Middle East and North Africa | MENA HARM REDUCTION ASSOC. (MENAHRA) |