TB/HIV Working Group News Archive

Programme Managers Skills Building Workshop at AIDS 2012, XIX International AIDS Conference

24 July 2012 | Washington DC, USA,

WHO will be organising and facilitating the IAS conference skills building workshop for National TB and HIV programme managers entitled “TB/HIV Collaborative Activities – Implement, Integrate and Scale up to Prevent TB Deaths in People living with HIV! The workshop will be held on Tuesday, 24 July 2012 from 14:30 until 18:00 in Mini Room 7 of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center and aims to accelerate the global scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities through exchange of experience and best practice. Primarily intended for National HIV and TB programme managers the workshop would also benefit from and be of interest to managers from other programmes such as MCH and Harm Reduction programmes. The workshop will discuss key challenges in implementation and cross-fertilise measures needed for scale-up, taking into consideration regional variations. It will be conducted in English and will be largely interactive to allow participants to probe and test out the experience and lessons learnt by other attendees. A meeting agenda will be ready for sharing in due course. Meeting participants will not need to register to attend this workshop but are advised to be at the door of the workshop 20 minutes in advance as the seating will be limited to a first-come, first-seated arrangement.



Mainstreaming TB/HIV at AIDS 2012

22-27 July 2012 | Washington DC, USA

The International AIDS Society conference is one of the largest HIV stakeholder gatherings that brings together advocates, civil society, journalists, people living with HIV, policymakers, researchers, technical and funding agencies and many more. AIDS 2012, the XIX International AIDS Conference this year, will be held from 22-27 July in Washington D.C. and is expected to host some 20,000 delegates from 200 countries. This conference plays a key role in shaping the global HIV response, offering a tremendous opportunity to mainstream TB and catalyse the implementation and scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities. We encourage you to submit applications for TB/HIV sessions to ensure that TB remains high on the agenda throughout all areas.

Deadlines to note:

  • Affiliated independent events applications close: 20 April 2012
  • Exhibition applications close: 25 May 2012
  • Satellite applications close: 31 March 2012

For further details please visit the conference website

Transforming the HIV/TB Response: Defining the next 10 years

21 July, 2012 | Washington DC, USA

The World Health Organization, on behalf of the Global TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership, will be convening a high level international consultation in conjunction with AIDS 2012, to map out the global HIV/TB response for the next ten years. The consultation will be co-hosted by Diane Havlir of University of San Francisco and the Chair of the Global TB/HIV Working Group and co-Chair of AIDS 2012 and Mark Dybul of the Georgetown University and George W Bush Institute and formerly the US Global AIDS Coordinator, and convened by Haileyesus Getahun of the Stop TB Department of WHO. The aim of the meeting will be to generate innovative ideas and ways to define the next decade of the Global TB/HIV response and its strategic direction. It will also review global and regional progress, harvest experiences and identify key challenges and barriers in the scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities, including key research gaps. For more information and for the meeting agenda please click here. Limited spaces are available and attendance will be by registration. If you would like to attend please send an e-mail to tbhiv@who.int at your earliest convenience but no later than close of business 13th July 2012.

HIV/TB Research meeting in conjunction with the 19th conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections (CROI 2012)

5 March, 2012 | Seattle, USA

Monday 5th March sees the opening of 19th Conference on retroviruses and opportunistic infections (CROI 2012) in Seattle, Washington, USA. With more than 4,000 leading researchers and clinicians from around the world gathering at CROI each year, it offers a perfect platform for mainstreaming TB/HIV research priorities into the HIV research agenda. On the opening day, WHO in collaboration with the Consortium to Respond Effectively to the AIDS/TB Epidemic (CREATE) and the TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership is organizing their 6th CROI affiliated HIV/TB research meeting in the Leonesa I Ballroom at the Grand Hyatt Seattle between 11:30 and 13:30. The meeting will focus specifically on the measurement and reduction of TB transmission in high HIV burden settings. Meeting participants will discuss the critical knowledge and research gaps related to MTB transmission, infection and its associated impact through sharing new data from on-going studies, discussing controversial issues and identifying critical research questions. The meeting, which is by invitation only, will be attended by some 70 participants including HIV researchers, implementers and public health policy makers. For the reports of research meetings from previous years please see the following link.

We are pleased to advise you that TB has also been well incorporated into this year’s main conference programme with much of Thursday 8th March set aside for TB. There will be a plenary presented first thing by Eric Neurmberger “From the Cage to the Clinic: Developing TB Regimens for the Next 40 Years” on Thursday morning and a symposium on “Scientific Advances in TB Pathogenesis and Treatment” in the afternoon between 16:00 and 18:00. In addition, TB and vaccine preventable diseases is included as one of the oral abstracts to be presented mid-morning and TB diagnostics will be a themed discussion in the early afternoon. For more details please visit the following link.

Agenda | Presentations