17th Core Group Meeting of the TB/HIV Working Group

9-11 November 2011 | Beijing, People’s Republic of China

As part of a focus on the Western Pacific region and the People’s Republic of China for 2011, the Core Group of the TB/HIV Working Group held its annual meeting in Beijing from 9-11 November. The meeting was organized by the Secretariat, based at WHO Geneva, in collaboration with the WHO office in the People’s Republic of China and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the People's Republic of China. Co-hosted by the Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China, the meeting was attended by some 90 participants, comprising Core Group members and representatives from National TB and HIV programmes in Cambodia, Papua New Guinea, the People's Republic of China and Viet Nam and from six high burden provinces in the People's Republic of China. In addition, representatives from key international technical and funding agencies in the region also attended. Meeting participants reviewed progress and shared experience in regional implementation and scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities, and learnt about the latest tools to support scale-up as well as breaking research developments.

Agenda EnglishChinese | List of Participants | Report EnglishChinese, | 


1. The Scale-up of TBHIV Collaborative Activities in Asia Pacific, 9th - 10th November
2. Closed Core Group meeting, 11th November



Working Groups