ETTi conducted the 6 hours workshop on 12th of November 2024 in frame of the annual World Conference on Lung Health in Bali, Indonesia. The workshop was attended by a range of frontline health workers, implementers, managers and policymakers. Edward Nardell and Matsie Mphahlele chaired the workshop, coordinated by Grigory Volchenkov and Varvara Vauhkonen.

The agenda consisted of several theoretical presentations:
- ”Basics of airborne infection: What we know and what we don't” (Edward Nardell). The recording is available here
- "Importance of administrative controls in mitigating airborne infectious disease transmission” (Matsie Mphahlele),
"Choosing right environmental controls in limited resource settings” (Paul Jensen),
“Architectural design for airborne IPC in resource limited settings” (Jako Nice),
“Making personal respiratory protection program effective and feasible” (Grigory Volchenkov) and
“Safeguarding indoor spaces from airborne pathogens through application of TB IPC measures” (Martie van der Walt).
After the break the practical hands-on sessions followed:
- “TB IPC plan development based on risk assessment” (Matsie Mphahlele, Martie van der Walt),
- Room air cleaner performance evaluation” (Paul Jensen, Sevim Ahmedov),
- “Architectural design brief development considering key IPC design factors” (Jako Nice, Isabel Ochoa),
- “Respirator donning, fit testing, seal checking and safe disposal” (Grigory Volchenkov, Anita Kansal),
- “Ventilation performance assessment” (Varvara Vauhkonen, Aldo Daniel Vilchez Burga),
- Upper-room GUV: fixture design, maintenance, effectiveness and safety assessment (Richard Vincent, Edward Nardell),
- Q&A session.