28 May 2024

What´s new from GLI?

Please read the full newsflash here.

GLI has a new website! The site organizes information about GLI info into new pages and is now the home of all new and recently-launched GLI products and webinars that are designed to help stakeholders implementing TB laboratory networks and systems strengthening interventions. Do visit to learn about the GLI and its Core Group.

GLI has recently published a number of new products. in December 2023 the Quality Assurance Package for TB Lateral Flow LAM (LF-LAM) Testing was launched. A new version of the Planning and Budgeting Tool for TB and Drug Resistant TB Testing, updated with new prices for the Xpert Ultra cartridge has been published in February 2024. In April GLI published Information Sheets on targeted next generation sequencing, complementing the existing information sheets on tests both for the diagnosis of TB and drug resistance detection. A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) on Genomic Sequencing for Drug Resistant TB was publish at the same time. The GLI website has been updated with links to webinars featuring GLI Core Group members, and products. And finally GLI reminds you that the window for applications to join the GLI Core Group is open until 5 June 2024. Please see below or click here.