13 July, 2023 - Geneva, Switzerland - The Stop TB Partnership today released TB-LAMP: Implementation Experiences and Lessons Learned, describing the findings of a survey of four high TB burden countries that have deployed the LoopampTM MTBC assay (Eiken Chemical Company Ltd, Tokyo, Japan).

This document highlights the implementation experiences and impact of this WHO-recommended rapid molecular diagnostic for TB in Cameroon, Nigeria, Zambia and the Philippines. Additionally, it provides operational and costing guidance for countries interested in adopting the test and the latest data on its diagnostic performance. 

The TB-LAMP assay has minimal infrastructure requirements and simple instrumentation that can test up to 14 samples at once, making it an attractive option to replace microscopy especially in relatively high-capacity laboratories at the peripheral level in low- and middle-income countries. The test has also been shown to be useful for active case-finding activities that result in significant numbers of samples that can be batch tested (up to 70 samples per 8-hour shift). TB-LAMP remains the only WHO-recommended rapid molecular diagnostic test that meets the target price established by WHO for a replacement test for microscopy.[1]

“By documenting and compiling the experiences of TB-LAMP users, other countries may better understand how this test could fit within their diagnostic networks among other WHO-recommended rapid molecular diagnostics”, said Dr. Lucica Ditiu, Executive Director of the Stop TB Partnership. “Countries should consider all options in their arsenals to reach the ambitious 2030 targets to test and treat TB in the Stop TB Partnership's Global Plan to End TB 2023-2030.”

  For details and guidance on procurement of the test through Stop TB Partnership’s GDF, see the GDF Technical Information Note.