Past Meetings
Strengthening of the TB constituencies in Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanisms,
21 - 24 June 2016,
Manila, Philippines
The Global Fund’s funding model requires increased responsibility and greater roles for Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs), especially in the area of oversight, accountability and engagement of key affected populations and people living with HIV, tuberculosis and malaria. The Stop TB Partnership, the Global Fund, and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance share a common goal of contributing to the strengthening of effective functioning CCMs. Specifically, there is an acknowledged need to build on the capacity of TB constituencies and their advocates within the CCM through the greater understanding of roles and opportunities.
This workshop builds on the previous CCM engagement work done by the Stop TB Partnership. The goal of the workshop is to build the capacity of TB representatives and their advocates (members of CCMs) to effectively represent their constituencies in their CCMs.
HIV/TB Gender Assessment Tool Workshop: Building capacity for TB and HIV activists and advocates to advance gender equality through Global Fund and National Programs,
21-24 July 2015,
Johannesburg, South Africa
The Stop TB Partnership, UNAIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria are working to support countries that wish to improve their ability to analyze TB and HIV programming in a gender sensitive manner. This workshop will train consultants to be able to conduct TB/HIV gender assessments and strengthen the capacity of TB activists and gender equality advocates to engage at country level with TB national planning processes including those linked to the Global Fund and its new funding model (NFM) from a gender equality perspective.
Workshop on Strengthening the Tuberculosis Constituencies in Country Coordinating Mechanisms,
28-30 July 2015,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Stop TB Partnership Secretariat in collaboration with The Global Fund and International HIV/AIDS Alliance are holding this workshop to bring together civil society and non-civil society TB representatives from the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM). The aim of this workshop is to equip CCM representatives with a greater understanding of their role in the CCM, function and oversight of TB programs.
Cairo, Egypt, 24 - 27 March 2015
The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (IUATLD) and the Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis are organizing the 28th Conference of the Union Middle East Region and the 56th International Congress of the Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases & Tuberculosis . The conference will include a scientific program and an educational program comprising postgraduate courses and educational workshops and will be held from 24th to 27th March 2015 in Cairo, Egypt.
During this conference the Stop TB Partnership is organizing a session on Strengthening Community Engagement in Global Fund Processes and Fostering Civil Society Collaboration in the Middle East.
Beirut, Lebanon, December 2014
Dakar, Senegal, August 2014
New Delhi, India, August 2014
Lima, Peru, July 2014
Cape Town, South Africa, June 2014
The Stop TB Partnership joined forces with the Global Coalition of Activists (GCTA) and a South African based TB and HIV Care Organisation to host a training of trainers focusing on addressing community, gender, human rights and key affected population in TB programme reviews, country dialogues and concept note development in the NFM. The purpose of the workshop was to build the capacity of civil society and communities technical support providers to include TB Communities in a meaningful way while providing support to countries in concept note development and country dialogues. The workshop was building on and leveraging the global expertise of the GCTA in working with TB communities and advocacy for TB. But it was also focussed on CSO TA providers of Anglophone Africa in order to build a cadre of civil society experts who can support their own countries better and promote South to South Collaboration in the preparation of meaningful engagement of key affected populations in the New Funding Model. A group of energetic civil society and communities TA providers from 10 countries attended. These providers will work in close collaboration with GCTA and the Stop TB Partnership to provide timely and meaningful support during the role out of the Global Fund’s New Funding Model.
Kiev, Ukraine, April 2014
Stop TB and TB Europe Coalition, with funding from GIZ and Stop TB, organized a regional meeting for civil society from Eastern Europe and Central Asia in Kiev on April 22-25. The meeting focused on three areas: orientation around the new funding model, training on community systems strengthening, human rights, gender and political advocacy. Participants worked on their country plans to include community, rights and gender matters in Global Fund concept notes. The other aim of the meeting was to strengthen the European regional network of advocates working on Global Fund processes in their countries and their link to the overarching GCTA Network.
Harare, Zimbabwe, April 2014
Stop TB Partnership and Roll Back Malaria co-hosted 2 workshops for Civil Society and Communities on the Integration of Community Systems Strengthening, Gender and Human Rights in the NFM. The meeting was attended by 35 participants, comprising of Civil Society, CCM Secretariats and technical providers from Botswana, Liberia, Namibia, North Sudan, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Swaziland, Tanzania, The Gambia and Zimbabwe. The meeting was held in Harare, Zimbabwe 15-16 April, 2014.
The workshop addressed the following aspects: the Global Fund’s New Funding Model (NFM) and the role of civil society and communities in the NFM, understanding Key Affected Populations in the TB Context and reaching the hard to reach in the malaria context, gender and human rights sensitive programming in the context of Malaria and TB. The participants also learned about country dialogues and how to position communities and civil society through collaboration with the CCM, and other partners in the country dialogue process including lobbying and advocacy.
Nairobi, Kenya, April 2014
Stop TB Partnership also hosted a similar meeting with EANNASO (The Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS Service Organizations) in Nairobi (Kenya) on April 1st and 2nd. Civil Society Participants invited came from the following countries Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar. The key difference of this workshop was that it created a platform for those who primarily work in TB and those who work on HIV to look out for TB and HIV focussed civil society, in order to strengthen collaboration and implementation.
Johannesburg, South Africa, February 2014
A workshop on the NFM was organized by UNAIDS, GF, WHO and Stop TB Partnership for Eastern and Southern Africa countries the week of February 17. Countries included: Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania (mainland and Zanzibar) and Zambia. Apart from a representative from the GCTA Network, each country sent a TB community representative.
Countries participating at the workshop worked on various technical areas in TB and HIV, as well as to prioritise on the basis of these technical areas. The community’s response in terms of critical enablers and barriers to TB services formed part of the discussions. Participants were requested to use collaborative thinking and planning to either develop or refine their priorities and using roadmaps towards the submission of the joint TB/HIV concept notes and country dialogues.
Each country submitted a roadmap highlighting a need for technical support particularly for the areas of work Stop TB Partnership can facilitate technical support for.