
  • Annual reports
    Annual Report 2010


  • Pathways to Better Diagnostics for TB

    December 2009

  • The Global Plan to Stop TB 2006-2015: Progress Report 2006-2008

    November 2009

  • Achievement Reports and Evaluations
    Stop TB Partnership: Global Program Review

    November 2009

  • Annual reports
    Annual Report 2009


  • New Laboratory Diagnostics Tools for TB Control

    December 2008

  • Information About the MDR-TB Initiative

    June 2008

  • Achievement Reports and Evaluations
    Independent External Evaluation of the Stop TB Partnership

    April 2008

  • Engaging Stakeholders For Retooling TB Control


  • Annual reports
    Annual Report 2008


  • The Global MDR-TB & XDR-TB Response Plan 2007-2008

    October 2007

  • Stop TB Partnership Out of Step Report

    July 2017