Political commitments on TB & CRG

The UN High-Level Meeting (UNHLM) on TB was a critical moment for the TB response, as it was the first time that TB moved onto the agenda of Heads of State. The resulting Political Declaration on TB is also significant, as it is the guiding document for all TB actors working towards the global-level targets that will enable us to end TB by 2030. The Stop TB Partnership supported the formation of a Community and Civil Society Taskforce to coordinate TB-affected community engagement in the UNHLM, including through regional consultations (organized together with the International Federation of the Red Cross) and Civil Society Hearings (co-organized with WHO).

These resulting targets include :

  • Treating 40 million people, including 3.5 million children, with TB [P24]:
  1. 14.1 million people with TB treated (35%)
  2. 1.04 million children with TB treated (30%)
  • Treating 1.5 million people, including 115,000 children, with drug-resistant (DR-) TB [P24]:
  1. 0.33 million people with DR-TB treated (22%)
  2. 0.01 million children with DR-TB treated (8%)
  • Preventive treatment received by 30 million people, including 4 million children and 6 million people living with HIV (PLHIV) [P25]:
  1. 6.3 million people placed on preventive therapy (PT) (21%)
  2. 0.78 million children placed on PT (20%)
  3. 5.3 million PLHIV placed on PT (88%)
  • Reaching US$ 13 billion annually in financing for the TB response [P46]; and
  1. US$ 4.3 billion available in 2019 (110 countries reporting)
  • Increasing investments in R&D to reach US$ 2 billion annually [P47]:
  1. According to Treatment Action Group (TAG), total funding in 2019 was US$ 900,964,590. This is just slightly under the US$ 906 million reported in 2018.
  • Committing to involve affected communities and civil society in the TB response [P17]
  • Committing to provide special attention to those who are most vulnerable, in accordance with the principle of social inclusion [P38], including women, indigenous peoples, health care workers, migrants, refugees, internally displaced people, prisoners, PLHIV, people who use drugs, miners, homeless people, urban and rural poor [P17]
  • Affirming that all people with TB access people-centered prevention, diagnosis, treatment, management of side effects and care, as well as psychosocial, nutritional, and socioeconomic support for successful treatment [P 14]
  • Committing to recognize the various sociocultural barriers to TB prevention, diagnosis, and treatment services [P18]
  • Committing to promote and support an end to stigma and all forms of discrimination, including by removing discriminatory laws, policies, and programs [P37]
  • Committing to enact measures to prevent TB transmission in workplaces, schools, transportation systems, incarceration systems and other congregate settings [P25]
  • Committing to develop community-based health services [P33]
  • Committing to decisive and accountable global leadership that is multisectoral and inclusive of TB-affected communities and civil society and integrating these commitments into National Strategic Plans [P48-9].

Find further information on targets and commitments here

See more on the 2018-2020 Discussion Paper on CRG and progress towards the UNHLM targets and commitments here


Global Fund Strategic Initiatives

Strategic Initiatives (SIs) are part of the Global Fund’s catalytic investments; they complement country allocations and are essential to achieve the aims of the Global Fund Strategy and global disease plans. For the 2020-2022 funding cycle, the Global Fund Board approved 19 workstreams totaling US$ 343 million under the SIs’ modality.

Stop TB partners with the Global Fund and WHO in the implementation of the TB SI ‘Targeted Technical Assistance for Innovative Approaches to Finding Missing People with Tuberculosis’. The objective of this SI is to address specific barriers to finding and treating the missing people with TB and to scale up innovative health facility and community approaches to accelerate TB case finding and effective TB preventive treatment.

In addition to the TB SI, the Stop TB Partnership contributes to other SIs, including the following:

  • The Data SI has the objective of improving the availability, quality and use of data, including a focus on coverage, quality, and efficiency. It aims at strengthening in-country national monitoring and evaluation platforms and systems to accommodate the specific data and information needs to fight AIDS, TB, and malaria and achieve the adequate reporting for Universal Health Coverage.
  • The ‘South-south learning and strategic support to countries’ component of the Service Delivery Innovation (SDI) SI focuses on supporting high-quality funding requests to the Global Fund based on robust national strategies with innovative interventions to maximize impact. Technical support aims at ensuring that investments are underpinned by guidance and the requisite knowledge base to deliver impact at country level.

Global Fund Strategic Initiatives