Stories from the Field - September 2023

The Stop TB Partnerhsip is dedicated to enhancing tuberculosis (TB) and care at the country level through collaboration with National Tuberculosis Control Programmes (NTP) and aligning with the Global Plan to End TB. Their country-level partnership platforms have made significant progress in advocating for ending TB by 2030 through coordination and collaborative initiatives.


Stop TB Partnership Ghana

Stop TB Partnership in Ghana conducted a comprehensive training session on resource mobilization, targeting both Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) within the Partnership and TB-affected communities in Ghana. The core objective of this training was to empower our implementing partner NGOs and the affected community, enabling them to effectively attract resources from both local and international sources. During this period, the Chairman of Stop TB Partnership Ghana board actively engaged in a significant meeting organized by the National TB Advisory Board. The primary agenda was the approval of the implementation plan for the new WHO DR-TB treatment regimen. Seizing this opportunity, our chair took the initiative to underscore the importance of the upcoming UN High-Level Meeting on TB. He passionately challenged the board to take steps towards securing the participation of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo in this crucial event. This commitment further emphasizes our dedication to the fight against TB on a national and global scale.

Stop TB Partnership Kazakhstan

On August 31, 2023, Stop TB Partnership in Kazakhstan hosted a hybrid advocacy meeting to discuss the development of the National Partnership 'Stop TB in Kazakhstan' and the enhancement of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) involvement in reducing the burden of TB. Dr. Lucica Ditiu joined online with a keynote speech. The meeting centered on prioritized actions to strengthen the national STP platform, including establishing Stop TB partnerships at the sub-national (oblast) level, fostering collaboration among both state and non-state actors, and implementing measures for sustainability.


Stop TB Partnership Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

On August 31, 2023, Stop TB Partnership in DRC held a national meeting concerning TB UNHLM 2023 and Deadly Divide 2.0, in preparation for UNHLM 2023. The primary advisor confirmed DRC's participation in the UNHLM, with the President expected to attend in person. It was mentioned that the President would communicate within a framework of consultation with government and Parliament members to address TB-related issues during the October 2023 budget session.


Stop TB Partnership Cameroon.

To gear up for the UN High-Level Meeting (UNHLM), Stop TB Partnership Cameroon hosted preliminary planning on August 30, 2023. Present at this meeting was the Executive Director of Stop TB Partnership and the distinguished Senator, who serves as the Honorary President of Stop TB Partnership Cameroon. The primary objective of this meeting was to deliberate on the strategic preparations required to ensure that Cameroon's participation in the forthcoming UN High-Level Meeting on TB is both impactful and well-executed. For insights from this session, please refer to the linked live discussion. This proactive initiative underscores our dedication to making Cameroon's involvement in the UNHLM a success and strengthening the fight against TB on a national and global scale.


Volunteer Health Services

On September 9, 2023, Volunteer Health Services organized a momentous graduation event for the TB Champions. This comprehensive training program encompassed key subjects revolving around the enhancement of community involvement, advocacy, and the support of OneImpact community-led monitoring initiatives. The training was thoughtfully designed to focus on elevating the capabilities and expertise of TB-affected communities, with a strong emphasis on effective communication and networking. It aimed to foster an environment where individuals could freely exchange valuable insights, practical guidance, and strategies to confront and overcome the challenges posed by TB. The collective empowerment of individuals through this training contributes significantly to the overall resilience and strength of the community, reinforcing the essence of unity in the fight against TB. This initiative underscores the commitment to building informed, well-connected, and determined communities to combat TB effectively.


Stop TB Partnership Zimbabwe

On August 17, 2023, Stop TB Partnership Zimbabwe organized an event that brought together a diverse range of stakeholders. Participants included representatives from the Ministry of Childcare’s National TB and Leprosy Control Programme, the Ministry of Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, three members of the Parliament Portfolio on Health, TB-affected communities, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), representatives from the miner’s association, members of the media, and academics. The event had several key objectives. It involved the presentation of the "Deadly Divide" report, a comprehensive discussion about the upcoming UN High-Level Meeting, which included sharing updates on crucial dates, processes, and the status of the political declaration. Participants also engaged in a reflective exercise, examining how the calls to action outlined in the "Deadly Divide" report align with the current draft declaration. A fundamental aim of this gathering was to encourage the active engagement of country partners in advocating for increased resources to combat TB. The discussion also encompassed the development of the UN HLM 2023 national pledge/commitment and deliberations on the composition and role of the UN HLM 2023 country delegation. This event was an essential step in strengthening collaboration and ensuring a united front in the fight against TB in Zimbabwe.

Stop TB Partnership Cambodia

Stop TB Partnership Cambodia hosted a national-level discussion on the UN High-Level Meeting in Penh, drawing the participation of numerous stakeholders. These included members of the 5th Senate Committee, representatives from various government ministries, and a total of 51 organizations. The roundtable discussions were structured around three core objectives. Firstly, they aimed to disseminate critical updates to government agencies, UN bodies, civil society, and Tuberculosis Affected Networks (TB People Cambodia). The intention was to strategically involve these parties in the UN Tuberculosis Summit 2023. The second objective was to establish a nationwide commitment to the integration of Community, Rights, and Gender (CRG) mechanisms into national initiatives. This would reaffirm the necessity of advocating for increased funding and improved access to drugs, diagnostics, and dengue vaccines. Lastly, discussions centered on Community and Civil Society Calls and Tools for seeking support for a report on the Commitment to End Malaria versus the Evolution of Malaria Response. This event was a crucial platform for aligning multiple stakeholders in the pursuit of enhanced TB intervention strategies, rights, gender equity, and the fight against malaria. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration and information sharing in addressing these health challenges.

Stop TB Partnership Mozambique

Stop TB Partnership Mozambique organized a workshop and training for journalists to engage them in the TB response. The workshop, led by the Health Provincial Directorate, was attended by 30 journalists. Senior staff from the Ministry of Health, including the National TB Program and the Promotional Health Department, also participated. In northern Cabo Delgado Province, which has been grappling with terrorist attacks displacing over 500,000 inhabitants since 2017, there has been an alarming increase in MDR TB cases since 2022. Many cases are being reported from these affected clusters. The National TB Program and its partners are working diligently to provide access to TB care and treatment while spreading preventive messages to mitigate further contamination.


Stop TB Partnership Uganda

Stop TB Partnership Uganda successfully hosted its 2nd TB Marathon on August 20, 2023, under the theme: "Yes, We Can End TB!" The event was a significant effort to boost TB awareness, mobilize resources, and enhance access to TB services for key and vulnerable populations. This year's marathon attracted an impressive 1,250 runners, marking a 20.9% increase from the 988 runners in 2022. Throughout the marathon's preparations and on the marathon day itself, a total of 784 individuals were screened for TB, and 407 samples were collected. Notably, 23 patients were promptly initiated on treatment. The outreach extended far and wide, with over 17,000,000 people reached through various media platforms, disseminating crucial TB information. This initiative underscores the commitment to combat TB in Uganda.

Stop TB Partnership Tajikistan

On August 9, 2023, Stop TB Partnership Tajikistan hosted a meeting with the USA Ambassador to the Republic of Tajikistan, Mr. Manuel Micaller, who met with the Mayor of Kulob. During this visit, the Ambassador conveyed his appreciation for the various activities aimed at promoting TB control in the region. He commended the team for their contributions to enhancing TB services through multidirectional collaboration. The meeting also provided an opportunity to introduce the participants to the possibilities and advantages of using portable X-ray devices equipped with artificial Intelligence for TB contact investigation and the timely detection of individuals with TB, facilitating their enrollment in treatment. This collaborative effort underscores the commitment to advancing TB control in Tajikistan



