Stop TB has led the development of practical implementation guidance and tools together with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Infectious Disease Detection and Surveillance (IDDS) Project, to support evidence-based and effective introduction and scale-up of new tools inside and outside of the introducing New Tools Project (iNTP).
Practical Guides

Screening and Triage for TB using Computer-Aided Detection (CAD) Technology and Ultra-portable X-Ray Systems: A Practical Guide

Dépistage et triage de la tuberculose à l'aide de la technologie de détection assistée par ordinateur (DAO) et des systèmes de radiographie ultra-portables : Guide pratique

Скрининг и триаж на туберкулез с использованием технологии компьютеризированного обнаружения (CAD) и ультрапортативных рентгеновских систем Практическое руководство

Detección y triaje de la tuberculosis utilizando tecnología de detección asistida por computadora (CAD) y sistemas de rayos X ultraportátiles: una guía práctica