Each year, millions of people with TB are missed by national health programs because they are not diagnosed, not treated, or not reported. Unless these individuals are reached, we will never end the global TB epidemic.
TB REACH addresses this gap in the global TB response by providing funding to test pioneering approaches that reach more people with TB – a commitment made by world leaders in the Political Declaration at the United Nations High-Level Meeting on Tuberculosis in 2018, and in line with the Global Plan 2018-2022.
TB REACH provides funding for projects that:
- increase the number of people diagnosed and treated for TB;
- reduce the time it takes for people with TB to receive appropriate treatment;
- improve treatment success rates and revolutionize TB care;
- roll out innovative diagnostic, case detection, and TB care strategies;
The TB REACH platform also:
- links TB programming to other key development issues, such as gender equality and equitable access;
- promotes private sector engagement in TB programming;
- utilizes new technology to benefit people with TB and improve TB care.
The goal of TB REACH is to demonstrate the success and impact of innovative ideas and approaches. We do so through investing in approaches that have potential and rigorously evaluating them. We then present our successes to other donor groups, agencies or national governments, so that successful approaches can be scaled-up.
TB REACH has been supported with core funding by Global Affairs Canada since 2010. Additional funding is being provided by the United States Agency for International Development and the UK’s Foreign Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO). Past funders have included the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Unitaid, and National Philanthropic Trust.