Stories from the Field - September 2024

September was a busy month for us and our partners. Sharing the highlights of the month from our country-level partnership platforms in different countries.

Stop TB Partnership Cambodia


On September 16, 2024, the country platform in collaboration with the National Center for Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control (CENAT) and the Club of Cambodian Journalists (CCJ) had a roundtable discussion on the critical roles of journalists in the TB response. The meeting brought together 72 participants from various mass media channels, such as TV reporters, radio news reporters, online news reporters, magazine and blog writers, to equip basic knowledge on TB, understand the critical roles and contributions of the media sectors in the TB responses, and put collective commitments to support the national TB programs towards achieving the political declaration of the post-2023 UNHLM-TB. The event also provided a space to exchange real experiences between the people affected by TB and the journalists, together with the national TB program, which is useful information to include in the articles that will be produced by the participants. This initiative is a part of the country's efforts to mobilize the multi-sectoral engagement for the TB response while leading to effectively implementing the MAF-TB in the future.

Stop TB Partnership Cameroon

STOP TB Cameroon launched a slam competition on the financing of tuberculosis to reach a wider audience as the fight against tuberculosis in Cameroon faces many challenges, including the issue of financing. The national contribution appreciated is, however, not sufficient and the private sector does not yet really participate in the fight against tuberculosis. Moreover, tuberculosis also suffers from weak communication and ignorance surrounding its existence among the populations. There was equally a media appearance on a national media outlet to communicate about tuberculosis and the issue of financing to generate public interest and intensify the noise needed around TB in other to end it by 2030. The winners will be announced in mid-November during the first "community village" forum which will take place in Yaoundé from November 14 to 18 where more than 20 000 visitors are expected, including the government and private sector actors.




Stop TB Partnership Ethiopia

On the Ethiopian New Year (this year 2017), the country platform organized a special celebration at St. Peter Hospital, Meskel with TB Patients at Ketta Health Center, Bishoftu as well as over 50 TB Patients Support Gathering in Adama, Oromia for drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients. The event aimed to bring joy and solidarity to the patients, foster hope, and strengthen the community spirit in their journey toward recovery. The celebration included a warm welcome, a festive lunch, and life testimonials from former TB patients. The event concluded with expressions of gratitude from the patients to the VHS team for their unwavering support and commitment.

A workshop was held on "Sharing Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) Experiences and Scaling Up OneImpact in Ethiopia," supported by Stop TB Partnership, brought together stakeholders to discuss CLM, digital tools for TB, and OneImpact scaling. Presentations highlighted strategies, challenges, and successes in engaging communities in TB monitoring. Participants discussed OneImpact's scaling and engaged in live demonstrations. The workshop fostered collaboration and built capacities to enhance community-led monitoring.

Stop TB Partnership Ghana

STBPG Executive Secretary has been taking account of the cordial relationships between TB CSOs and the NTP Ghana. According to him, Stop TB Partnership Ghana and other TB CSOs and the private sector all collaborate towards a common goal of ending TB in Ghana. He made this known at a meeting organized by STP Global and USAID to launch the Third Assessment Report on Governance of TB National Programmes of member countries. This was on the sidelines of the UNHLM on AMR in New York. This healthy relationship between national TB programmes and CSOs is necessary for every country to foster collaborative efforts at ending TB globally.

STBPG has successfully ended a review of the Community-led Monitoring of Regional and District Advocates workshop under the Challenge Facility for Civil Society Round 12 and Country Platform grants. STBPG took the participants deep into TB community rights and gender, and TB patient-centered approach in advocacy in their line of work at the regional and district levels. Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator took the advocates through TB Impact App to refresh the minds of existing advocates and equip new ones with knowledge about using the tool in TB advocacy and community-led monitoring.

At the end of the day, 'Lesson Learnt' in project management has also become a key takeaway for the advocates to be used in Community-led Monitoring and advocacy under the CFCS Round 12 grant from

Stop TB Partnership Indonesia

In September, STBPI conducted a training program for young people. Over 100 youths registered, and after a selection process, 20 young individuals from 15 cities across Indonesia were chosen. These 20 youths are part of the "CARAKA TB INSTITUTE." The training focused more on practical exercises, where participants were placed in a scenario where the government did not support the TB elimination program. As a result, participants learned various communication techniques, such as drafting press releases, engaging journalists, creating digital campaigns or organizing creative actions, and even advocacy, such as conducting meetings with policymakers. After the training, participants were tasked with organizing creative actions in their respective regions to support the TB elimination program, involving local media, relevant stakeholders, and youth communities in their areas.You can also view the training activities at the following link:

Stop TB Partnership Kazakhstan

Advocacy High-Level Meeting on the development of the National Partnership “Stop TB in Kazakhstan” and the enhancement and involvement of civil society in decreasing the TB burden in North Kazakhstan was held on 5 September. The main goals of this meeting were to develop the National Stop TB Partnership in the region, to sign the Declaration of intent to join the National “Stop TB in Kazakhstan” Partnership, as well as to solve an issue of NGO financial support from the local budget funds. The Meeting was attended by key stakeholders including the Deputy Akim of the North Kazakhstan oblast, the Director of the National Scientific Center of Phthisiopulmonology, the Chairman of the National Stop TB Partnership, and other important representatives. In September, trainings on “Resources for success: effective work in the conditions of development of the Stop TB Partnership” were held in the cities of Almaty and Astana. 32 people were trained. The purpose of this training is to strengthen the participant’s communicative skills in the interaction with partners, TB patients, and their closest surroundings who face TB-related stigma and discrimination.

Stop TB Partnership Malawi

The Malawi Stop TB Partnership held dialogue meetings with MPs and the First Ladies office to discuss priorities for Community Rights and Gender and TB financing. One of the most critical issues was developing a CRG policy in collaboration with the Malawi Parliament through the TB Caucus and the Ministry of Health. GIZ was also part of this discussion, and they shared insights on how CSOs could strengthen the Global Fund implementation utilizing the CRG policy which STBPM has also built on UNHLM accountability.

Stop TB Partnership Mozambique

On September 18, 2024, the Stop TB Partnership Mozambique hosted a workshop to engage TB-affected communities and survivors in designing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating policies and programs. This event brought together representatives from 15 community-based organizations and TB survivors in Maputo City. During the workshop, many participants emphasized the need for additional training in project design, citing a lack of skills in writing high-quality project proposals among community organizations. Participants expressed enthusiasm for the impact project, noting that it effectively identified obstacles faced by individuals affected by TB. USAID representing in this meeting, reaffirmed the donor's strong commitment to investing in TB programs in Mozambique and supporting the government’s efforts.


Stop TB Partnership Pakistan

Her Excellency the First Lady of Pakistan, has reiterated her commitment to combating tuberculosis (TB) both in Pakistan and globally in a high-level meeting with the delegation from the country platform. Parliamentarians in attendance have prominent voices in the fight against TB. The meeting provided an opportunity to reflect on Pakistan’s progress since the United Nations High-Level Meeting on TB in 2023 while exploring new strategies to tackle ongoing challenges in TB notification and treatment. There was also a recent advocacy meeting with the Coordinator to the Prime Minister for Health, the urgent need for a comprehensive strategy to eliminate tuberculosis (TB) in Pakistan was emphasized and highlighted their pivotal role in mobilizing resources, raising awareness, and implementing community-based interventions that address the stigma surrounding TB. Successful initiatives were showcased that have increased access to testing and treatment, particularly in underserved areas. Finally, there was a Meeting with Country Coordination Mechanism members engaged in a productive dialogue about ongoing efforts to combat tuberculosis in Pakistan as well as the presentation of innovative programs aimed at increasing TB awareness, improving access to diagnostics, and enhancing treatment adherence within vulnerable communities. In a recent Standing Committee meeting convened by Mr. Mahesh Malani from the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination, participants discussed the upcoming Parliamentary Caucus meeting focused on tuberculosis control in Pakistan. The committee emphasized the critical need for heightened legislative support and resource allocation to strengthen national TB programs and other engagements with the Provincial TB Program (PTP) of Balochistan to discuss the current TB situation and challenges in the remote region while exploring potential collaborative strategies to enhance outreach and awareness. The discussion focused on integrating community-based interventions and leveraging local resources to improve patient care and support. Both parties recognized the importance of a coordinated response to effectively tackle the TB epidemic in Balochistan, emphasizing their commitment to improving health outcomes for vulnerable populations.

Stop TB Partnership Tajikistan

Based on the annual data of OneImpact Tajikistan, the ‘Stop TB Partnership, Tajikistan has conducted a campaign to publish key TB messages delivered by people affected by TB, celebrities - Stop TB Ambassadors, in text and illustrative form, which were published through their pages on social media and Facebook and Instagram pages of STPT. The messages cover all important issues of TB, from prevention and diagnosis to post-treatment support. There were equally Videos for raising TB awareness in Tajikistan based on the results of the Assessment of public awareness on TB in Tajikistan, which was completed in August, the STPT recorded a series of videos in September. Videos are dedicated to TB raising awareness, including timely referral, contact tracing, psychological and social support of people with TB, treatment adherence, the relationship between the people with TB and the TB doctors, elimination of TB stigma and discrimination, etc. They also joined the petition to the Global Fund, STBPT platform (including management staff, TB Support group members/outreach workers, celebrities, people affected by TB, journalists, etc.) demanding fair funding from the Global Fund by signing the petition.

Stop TB Partnership Tanzania

The meeting with the Minister of Health and Ministerial MAF-TB Focal Persons was productive. It aimed to finalize the National MAF-TB Operational Plan and M&E Framework. Tanzania STP, representing CSOs, collaborated with the Ministry of Health and the PMO convened the meeting with 25 out of 26 Ministries. All focal persons approved their ministerial operational plans, and the final framework draft was presented to decision-makers during the Meeting of the Directors of Policy and Planning on September 27, 2024. Tanzania STBP worked with the National TB and Leprosy Program to help 17 ministries identify and map TB partners, including private sectors, CSOs, and government institutions, for implementing TB activities and seeking possible funding sources for TB as part of domestic resource mobilization. During a visit to the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, Tanzania STBP supported the Ministry in seeking funding from existing education programs. Two education program coordinators were engaged, and one of them pledged to mobilize 100 million Tanzanian shillings to combat TB within the education sectors. Tanzania STP will assist the Ministry's MAF-TB Focal Person in developing a Concept Note to be presented to their Permanent Secretary for fund disbursement.

Stop TB Partnership Uganda

There was a biannual TB knowledge update meeting with professional journalists on the 18th of September 2024 as celebrities and Artists were present to update for improved media reporting on TB, A total of 20 journalists requested to be engaged frequently they also made their commitments to ending TB by 2030. They equally stated that Celebrities can raise TB awareness on social media. Periodic media updates and collaboration with relevant offices are important. Media houses have government airtime, and some have committed to featuring weekly TB stories. A two-day workshop was held on September 25th-26th, 2024, with 19 participants to design gender-responsive messages to encourage male uptake of TB services. The developed messages are currently under review for approval from the MOH under the health promotion department.


Stop TB Partnership Ukraine

In September, Stop TB Partnership Ukraine focused on raising awareness about childhood tuberculosis. They used a creative approach by creating a cartoon video called "Become an Explorer" to make it easier to talk to children about tuberculosis. Watch episode 1: Watch episode 2: Watch episode 3: On World Lung Day, Stop TB Partnership Ukraine highlighted that the risk of tuberculosis is twice as high among smokers. They shared a video discussing the risks and recommendations for quitting smoking in cases of tuberculosis. Video:




Stop TB Partnership Zambia

A quarterly meeting was held for people affected by TB to create a mass movement and to advocate for change around TB issues. The meeting had 17 participants, who were all TB survivors. The initial impact was that the participant's key advocacy issues around availability, accessibility, acceptability, and quality of TB services were identified including the identification of key respondents to the identified issues. Some of the key issues identified included poor staff attitude, limited access to laboratory services including persistent shortage of cartridges for Gene Xpert machines, long waiting hours at health facilities, and stigma among others.




Stop TB Partnership Zimbabwe

The Stop TB Partnership Zimbabwe supported the Students and Youth Working on Reproductive Health and Action Team (SAYWHAT) in developing a Simplified Youth TB Rights and Literacy Manual. The STPZ, together with the Ministry of Health and Child Care’s National TB and Leprosy Control Programme (NTLP), provided technical assistance and support during this process. With support from the Global Fund, the NTLP led the development of a sector-specific Multi-Sectoral Accountability Framework for TB (MAF-TB) action plan. This process was built on the Zimbabwe MAF-TB process which was initiated by the STBPZ with support from the Stop TB Partnership’s Challenge Facility for Civil Society funding mechanism. The action plan now sits with the Ministry of Health and Child Care, and this is a positive step toward ensuring sustainability and scale-up of the STBPZ work. From the field, the STBPZ continued to mentor and support the Zimbabwe National Network of TB Survivors. In September, new support groups for TB Survivors were formed and launched in Mashonaland East. In the same month, the STBPZ provided guidance and support to the network to facilitate its registration as a Private Voluntary Organization as a result, the Private Voluntary Registrar carried out interviews for the Executive Committee as part of the registration process.

From our side

Our selected activity for September: STP joined World Leaders and united at the UNGA 2024 to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance: Passage of UN Political Declaration Marks a Victory in the Fight Against TB