Stop TB Partnership launches online consultation on the draft Global Plan to End TB 2018-2022

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28 October 2019 I Geneva, Switzerland – The Stop TB Partnership is launching today the online consultation to review the draft Global Plan to End TB 2018-2022 (‘Global Plan’). The updated plan will align it with the UN Political Declaration on TB targets and commitments and the next three-year replenishment cycle of the Global Fund, to cover also 2021 and 2022.

The Stop TB Partnership Board requested in January 2019 the development of an updated Global Plan under the guidance of the Global Plan Task Force.

In July, the Stop TB Partnership conducted an online public consultation of the Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020 – The Paradigm Shift, in preparations for the update. Based on the findings of that consultation and related work, the Task Force developed a draft of the updated Global Plan which is now open to the online public consultation.  

The revision of the Global Plan seeks to be as inclusive as possible, and this online consultation aims to reflect a diverse range of inputs in the Global Plan update, including governments, technical experts, researchers, the private sector, civil society, people affected by the diseases and advocates. Participants are encouraged to answer a set of top-line questions and provide comments which will subsequently be reviewed and considered by the Global Plan Task Force.

Deadline for submissions: Wednesday, 6 November 2019 6:00 PM Geneva time.

Please evaluate the individual chapters that constitute the draft Global Plan. The content is structured as follows:

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1 – A Paradigm Shift in The Fight Against TB
  • Chapter 2 – Impact Modelling and a Differentiated Approach
  • Chapter 3 – Reaching Key Populations
  • Chapter 4 – Key Collaborating Partners: Civil Society, Communities, and the Private Sector
  • Chapter 5 – UHC and Socioeconomic Actions in TB
  • Chapter 6 – New Tools
  • Chapter 7 – Resource Needs

Since its creation, the Stop TB Partnership has issued five-year Global Plans to provide a road map for concerted global advocacy activities and to provide an estimate for the resources needed to achieve the global targets to end TB.

The updated Global Plan will be launched in December 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia, during the Stop TB Partnership’s 32nd Board Meeting.
