Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially fatal disease with airborne transmission and drug-resistant variants. TB kills more people than any other infectious disease. In 2023, 1.25 million people died due to TB worldwide, including 191,000 children1. Most people who die of TB remain untreated as about 3 million people are missed by TB programs every year. Undiagnosed and untreated TB has a mortality rate of about 50%, and one such individual can infect up to 15 people in a year2. However, early diagnosis and effective treatment leads to cure in more than 90% of individuals. Untreated drug-resistant TB has even a higher mortality but it can be diagnosed, treated and cured.
All activities for TB prevention, diagnosis and treatment save lives. These activities can be grouped into three categories:
1. Activities that save the lives of sick people through prompt diagnosis and effective treatment.
- TB screening and testing equipment and reagents, including for diagnosis of drug-resistant TB
- Laboratory and X-ray services, including specimen transport
- Medical services for diagnosis of all forms of TB in adults and children
- Medicines for treatment of TB and drug-resistant TB
- Treatment adherence and support services to ensure treatment completion and cure
2. Activities that save lives by preventing TB infection from progressing into TB disease
- Contact tracing and TB Preventive Treatment of contacts of people with TB
- TB Preventive Treatment for People Living with HIV and other groups at increased risk of TB
3. Activities that improve access / remove barriers to TB care and prevention services
- TB screening at health facilities and communities to identify TB among populations with high burdens of TB and limited access to care.
- Activities that reduce socio-economic barriers to access lifesaving care
- Community supported/led TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring services
Human resources, procurement and supply chain, capacity building and technical support for program implementation and M&E needed to ensure that these activities happen should also be considered as part of lifesaving services.