Multi-stakeholder Hearings Registration Information

The last date to register is FRIDAY, 7 APRIL

Welcome to the registration for the Multi-stakeholder Hearings on

  • Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response  

You will be asked to identify as either:

a representative of an ECOSOC-accredited NGO; or as

a relevant stakeholder NOT from an organization in Consultative Status with ECOSOC. 

Each of the Multi-stakeholder Hearings will be a half-day event which will take place on 8 - 9 May at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, USA. These events are organized to allow relevant stakeholders to participate in any or all of the Multi-stakeholder Hearings. 

Stakeholders can register for the Multi-stakeholder Hearings online.

  1. For non-state actors:
    • A representative of an ECOSOC-accredited NGO; or
    • A relevant stakeholder NOT from Consultative Status with ECOSOC
  2. Hearing registrant does not need an accreditation process
  3. Use the registration confirmation e-mail for the VISA application

                                                          REGISTER HERE

Please email us if you have any registration challenges or questions at

The Stop TB Partnership