The TB Procurement and Market-Shaping Action Team (TPMAT) brings together national, regional, and global TB stakeholders to identify and address procurement and market-based challenges towards expedited and equitable access to TB commodities. TPMAT works end-to-end across the entire TB product life-cycle – from identifying and signaling product priorities, formulation development, introduction and scale-up, through to management of product phase-out.

Established in 2016, TPMAT stakeholders include representatives from procurement entities, donors, implementers, researchers, civil society organizations, national TB programs, and others.

TPMAT documents

Recommendations to the Global Fund on the Expert Review Panel Expression of Interest

Recommendations to WHO Expert Committee on the Model Essential Medicines List and Model Essential Medicines List for Children

Recommendations to the WHO Prequalification Programme for Medicines Expression of Interest

TPMAT Meeting


For inquiries related to TPMAT, please click here.