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Wednesday, May 29, 2024 - 18:30 to 20:00
Palais des Nations | Villa le Bocage | Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Hub, Geneve, Switzerland

Transforming the Fight Against TB and AMR: From Research to Access

Date: 29 May 2024, 12:30-14:00
Location: Palais des Nations (map) | Villa le Bocage | Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Hub
Register here by 22 May
Modality: In person

This event will highlight the advancements in TB and AMR research and the transition from research and development into practical access for these innovations. The discussions will focus on leveraging the experience and expertise on drug-resistant TB for effectively addressing AMR. Participants will explore how to bridge gaps between discovery and delivery to improve health outcomes worldwide.

In order to access Palais des Nations, entry badges are required. Information and instructions to register and obtain a badge can be found here.