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Monday, June 24, 2024 - 16:00 to Tuesday, June 25, 2024 - 23:00
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

This meeting, which is organized jointly by WHO/Europe and the Stop TB Partnership, will revisit the commitments of the September 2023 UN high-level meeting on the fight against TB.

Ministers of health and other decision-makers from some TB high-priority countries of the WHO European Region will join Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge (WHO Regional Director for Europe), Lucica Ditiu (Executive Director of the Stop TB Partnership) and Robb Butler (Director of the Division of Communicable Diseases, Environment and Health).

Participants will update on national progress towards achieving the commitments made in the resolution adopted at the UN General Assembly in September 2023.

The commitments in the resolution included specific numeric targets on diagnosis, treatment and prevention, as well as financing, including:

  • diagnosis and treatment for 90% of people who develop TB;
  • preventive treatment for 90% of people at high risk of developing TB;
  • health and social benefits for 100% of people with TB to prevent financial hardship; and
  • sustainable finance to reach US$ 22 billion a year globally by 2027, increasing funding from bilateral donors and mobilizing resources for research and innovation.

Non-numeric commitments covered matters such as:

  • ambitious, funded national TB strategic plans/strategies that involve civil society organizations and other stakeholders;
  • strengthening data and surveillance;
  • safeguarding TB services during humanitarian and health emergencies;
  • nurturing research and development;
  • accelerating progress towards a safe, effective vaccine;
  • improving access to drugs, diagnostics and new tools;
  • strengthening and improving the primary health-care response to TB;
  • greater collaboration between TB and HIV services;
  • ending the drug-resistant TB crisis; and
  • accepting accountability for these commitments.