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Friday, September 22, 2023 - 06:00 to Saturday, September 23, 2023 - 04:00
New York, USA

The 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB

At the 2018 UN High-Level Meeting (HLM) on TB, world leaders committed to hold a 'comprehensive review by Heads of State and Government at a high-level meeting in 2023' in the Political Declaration on TB agreed at the meeting. The 2023 UNHLM on TB will place during the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Week on Friday, 22nd September 2023. 


Get involved:

1. Sign up for Stop TB news alerts here to ensure you receive the latest updates on the HLM on TB.

2. If you are a member of TB civil society or TB affected communities, sign-up for the HLM Affected Communities and Civil Society Hub coordinated by GFAN. Learn more here.

3. Get in touch with us anytime at


UNHLM Updates:


March 2023: Registration for the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on TB taking place 8-9th May in New York is now live! CLICK HERE to register.


February 2023 - Announcement of Passage of Modalities Resolution 

Read our news alert here announcing the passage of the Modalities Resolution for the HLM on TB, which sets out the dates, agenda, logistics, and other critical details for the meeting. The Modalities resolution is available here.


October 2022 - Announcement of co-facilitators

On 19th October, the President of the UN General Assembly announced the appointment of Poland and Uzbekistan as the co-facilitators of the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB, led by H.E. Krzysztof Szczerski, Permanent Representative of Poland to the United Nations, and H.E. Bakhtiyor Ibragimov, Permanent Representative of Uzbekistan to the United Nations. The appointment letter announcing the co-facilitators can be found here

It is expected that the dates, format, and other details for the meeting will be finalized by February 2023 through a Modalities Resolution. The  Resolution for the 2018 HLM on TB can be found here.


September 2022 

News Alert - Read our 27th September news alert with the latest updates on the 2023 HLM on TB here.

UN General Assembly Event - On 22nd September Stop TB Partnership and Devex organized the event 'Talking TB: The Road to 2023' during the 2022 UN General Assembly in New York, where the 2023 UNHLM on TB was a key topic. A replay of the event is available here.


May 2022 

The Stop TB Partnership Board discussed progress towards the 2023 HLM on TB during its May 2022 Board Meeting. More information can be found in the below documents:

  • Stop TB Partnership Presentation on the 2023 UNHLM on TB: Download
  • Key Steps towards the 2023 UNHLM on TB: Download
  • Stop TB Partnership Board Decision Points on the 2023 UNHLM on TB (page 3-5): Download