

The Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI) is a network of international partners dedicated to accelerating and expanding access to quality-assured laboratory services in response to the diagnostic challenges of TB. Coordinated by the Core Group, the mission of the GLI is to serve as a collaborative platform for the development and uptake of practical guidance and tools for building and sustaining high-quality TB diagnostic networks, in the areas of:

  • Implementation of WHO policy guidance on TB diagnostics and laboratory strengthening
  • Health system solutions and innovations for ensuring rapid, accurate testing and linkage to appropriate patient management
  • Continuous quality improvement at all levels of the laboratory network
  • Integration of laboratory diagnostic networks
  • Human resource capacity development
  • Advocacy and resource mobilization

What is the GLI Core Group?

The GLI Core Group consists of individuals with expertise in multiple disciplines from different constituencies, stakeholders, and institutions involved in global and country-level strengthening of laboratory systems. A balance in Core Group Membership is sought to encourage active participation of and representation from high TB burden countries, technical partners, scientific and academic institutions, funding agencies and civil society. Current membership of the GLI Core Group is online at here.

The term of membership in the Core Group is two years, with the opportunity for renewal for a second consecutive term of two years. The GLI Core Group Governance and Operating Procedures are available at here.

What do GLI Core Group members do?

GLI Core Group members are expected to:

  •  Actively contribute to the collaborative implementation of selected GLI strategic priorities for 2024-2026
  •  Promote the uptake of GLI products for building and sustaining high-quality TB diagnostic networks
  • Share relevant technical experience and needs from respective constituencies in the implementation of GLI strategic priorities
  • Attend monthly teleconferences, and face-to-face meetings (typically 2 per year, depending on funding)
  • Participate in all Core Group decision-making
  • Participate in the periodic review and strategic planning of GLI activities, and annual development of strategic priorities


Selection of GLI Core Group members

The selection of Core Group members is based on consideration of expertise and experience, and membership balanced by gender, region, and the following constituencies: 

  • Technical partners
  • Supranational Reference Laboratories and National Reference Laboratories
  • Civil society
  • Donor/funding agencies
  • High burden (TB and/or MDR-TB) countries
  • National TB programmes
  • Regional laboratory initiatives
  • Implementing partners

Who can apply for GLI Core Group membership?

Individuals may be nominated by their institution/organization or may choose to apply on their own behalf. Applications should contain a current CV with a cover letter expressing their interest in and suitability for GLI Core Group membership. A letter of endorsement from one’s institution/organization may also be attached along with the application.

Applicants should note that members will be selected to ensure that the perspectives of a broad range of constituencies and regions continue to be represented on the Core Group.

Interested individuals are invited to send their applications to: gli_secretariat@who.int, no later than 5 June 2024.