
Call for applications for a new member specifically representing communities and persons affected by TB, to serve on the GLI Core Group in 2024-2026

Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI) Working Group

12 March 2024 - The Secretariat of the Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI) of the Stop TB Partnership, that is hosted by the World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Programme is announcing a call for applications for a new member specifically representing communities and persons affected by TB, to serve on the GLI Core Group in 2024-2026.

Additional call for members 

GLI published a call for new members to the core group on 15 August 2023. GLI received applications from a large number of highly qualified individuals, but one important group was missing: representatives from communities and persons affected by TB. Therefore, GLI is advertising this additional call, specifically aimed to recruit one GLI core group member representing communities and persons affected by TB.

The Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI) is a network of international partners dedicated to accelerating and expanding access to quality-assured laboratory services in response to the diagnostic challenges of TB. Coordinated by the Core Group, the mission of the GLI is to serve as a collaborative platform for the development and uptake of practical guidance and tools for building and sustaining high-quality TB diagnostic networks, in the areas of:

  • Implementation of WHO policy guidance on TB diagnostics and laboratory strengthening
  • Health system solutions and innovations for ensuring rapid, accurate testing and linkage to appropriate patient management
  • Continuous quality improvement at all levels of the laboratory network
  • Integration of laboratory diagnostic networks
  • Human resource capacity development
  • Advocacy and resource mobilization


Call for applications for a new member specifically representing communities and persons affected by TB, to serve on the GLI Core Group in 2024-2026


  • Current CV
  • Cover letter expressing their interest in and suitability for GLI Core Group membership
  • A letter of endorsement from one’s institution/organization may also be attached along with the application


Closing date of applications: 31 March 2024