Innovation is at the center of the Partnership’s mission to eradicate TB.  The Innovation Constituency seeks to promote new tools and new approaches as part of providing equitable and person-centered policies and strategies for TB elimination.

Board delegations are formed independently by Board constituencies. If you would like to join this constituency, please contact the Stop TB Board Affairs Team at

Members of the Innovations Constituency Delegation:

Organization: Professor and Vice Chair for Research, Director, OHSU Center for Global Child Health Research, Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics

Country of work: USA

Role in the Delegation: Board Member

Organization: Aurum Institute

Country of work: South Africa

Role in the Delegation: Alternate Board Member

Violet is a scientist in global health with over 20 years of research experience. She is currently a Chief Specialist Scientist at Aurum Institute and has worked on various projects across different countries and continents leading, designing, and managing the implementation of research studies. Her work has focused on evaluating the implementation of new tools for control and prevention of TB and TB/HIV coinfection in high burden settings. She has worked with international organizations and has collaborated with global partners. Violet has contributed to a wide range of articles and has published widely contributing to the scientific community.

Organization: DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence for Biomedical TB Research, SAMRC Centre for TB Research Department of Biomedical Sciences | Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences | Stellenbosch University

Country of work: South Africa

Role in the Delegation: Member

Grant is a Professor of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics at Stellenbosch University in Cape Town, South Arica. He founded and leads the CLIME research group dedicated to pursuing practical and translatable solutions to end tuberculosis via Africa-centred excellence in training.

Organization: Private equity

Country of work: Asia

Role in the Delegation: Member

Lynn is CFO (SouthEast Asia) for a global private equity firm. She was previously the Executive Director of a healthcare foundation, a portfolio company of a private equity firm, and drove financial return alongside social impact in the area of eliminating tuberculosis in SouthEast Asian countries

Organization: Friends for International TB Relief

Country of work: Viet Nam

Role in the Delegation: Member

Luan is president of Friends for International TB Relief and technical advisor for IRDVN in Vietnam. Luan has supported Vietnam’s NTP in the evidence generation for active case finding, private sector engagement, social protection, TB diagnostics and prevention. He co-led the 2020 Program Review and was on Vietnam’s 2021-2023 GFATM CCM TB advisory group. He serves as Treasurer of the Union, on the STBP Board's Innovation Constituency and WHO’s Civil Society Task Force on TB. Luan is a PhD candidate from Karolinska Institutet, holds an MPH from LSHTM and a bachelor in bioengineering and mathematics from the University of Pennsylvania.

Organization: Heidelberg University Hospital

Country of work: Germany

Role in the Delegation: Member

Seda is a molecular biologist with postgraduate training in molecular life sciences and global health. She worked at FIND, the Global Alliance for Diagnostics, in various capacities from 2015 to 2021. She joined the Denkinger group in February 2021 as the technology lead for the NIH-funded R2D2 TB Network. She has experience and knowledge in infectious disease diagnostics, clinical research, and global health issues, especially in the areas of tuberculosis and malaria.

Organization: India Health Fund

Country of work: India

Role in the Delegation: Member

Madhav Joshi is Chief Executive Officer of India Health Fund – an initiative of Tata Trusts which aims to help accelerate the elimination of communicable diseases by funding the development of technology-led solutions which can help improve patient outcomes and strengthen primary care

Organization: Global TB CAB / Enovpharm

Country of work: Cote d'Ivoire

Role in the Delegation: Member

Patrick is a global health expert, advisor, and management consultant for civil society organizations (CSOs) and United Nations agencies. As co-Chair of the Global Tuberculosis Community Advisory Board, Patrick is a strong advocate for TB patients and communities – ensuring their voices are heard. He is the founder of Envopharm, an organization focused on the facilitation of public-private approaches in the health sector. Previously, he was the Country Lead of VillageReach and served on the COVID-19 task force for Côte d'Ivoire. He is also a member of the UNITE4TB Community Advisory Group. Patrick holds a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and Master's degrees in Health Economics and Development Practice.

Organization: UK Academics & Professionals to End TB

Country of work: United Kingdom

Role in the Delegation: Member

Jess is a clinician, academic and activist. She leads a TB service in London where she works as a respiratory specialist. Her research uses qualitative research to explore people's experiences of healthcare access and she campaigns for the healthcare rights of migrants. Jess co-chairs the network UK Academics and Professionals to End TB which uses the expertise of its members to lobby for research, investment and policy change to end TB.

Organization: TB Social Observatory

Country of work: Colombia

Role in the Delegation: Member

Hanna is a PhD in Social Sciences and a medical doctor with a Master's in Anthropology. She has lectured in clinical, community and social areas at Faculties of Health and Education. She works as an advisor in high-quality assurance processes at the University of Antioquia. Passionate about ethnography, and its application to clinical and community practices of public health, since 2006 she has conducted research on TB from cultural and social perspectives. She is the secretary of Colombia TB Social Observatory and the president of the Country Coordinating Mechanism of The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria in Colombia.

Organization: Working Group on New TB Drugs

Country of work: United States

Role in the Delegation: Member

Zaid is the Secretariat for the Stop TB Partnership's Working Group on New TB Drugs and also holds a position as Preclinical Project Manager at TB Alliance. He holds a Masters of Science in Biology with a focus in neurophysiology and has been working in the TB field for 11 years.

Organization: Kyrgyz State Medical Academy, KNCV-KG

Country of work: Kyrgyz Republic

Role in the Delegation: Member

Aiymgul is a clinician and a teacher for undergraduate students at KSMA. Worked in penal sector as TB specialistin Kyrgyz Republic and in TB department in Sierra Leone with MSF, in USAID Challenge TB project implemented Bdq, DLM, re-purposed drugs, with KNCV-KG implemented BPaL regimen in Kyrgyz Republic, participated in implementation of nanopore NGS withim DreamFund project