Who we are

The Stop TB Partnership is a hosted entity of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), with its Secretariat based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Established in 2000, the Partnership aligns 1,600 partner organizations (including international and technical organizations, government programmes, research and funding agencies, foundations, NGOs, civil society and community groups, and the private sector) all over the world, leading global advocacy to end tuberculosis (TB).

Together with its partners, the Stop TB Partnership is a collective force that is transforming the fight against TB globally.  Through the Partnership’s Secretariat and working with all partners, it ensures a clear identity for the TB community, high-level engagement and representation.

The Partnership also identifies and funds innovative approaches to find, treat and cure people affected by TB. It plays a key role in procuring TB drugs and diagnostics, including the roll-out of new tools across the world. The Partnership’s market-shaping strategy also helps to reduce prices, improve forecasting and prevent stock-outs for drugs.

The Stop TB Partnership is empowering communities and key populations, strengthening community systems and promoting community leadership in the TB response, focusing efforts on ensuring that responses are people-centered and rights-based.