Challenge Facility for Civil Society

The unique granting mechanism for grassroots affected communities and civil society

The unique granting mechanism for grassroots affected communities and civil society

Communities and civil society often lack recognition as legitimate partners in the TB response at national and global levels. This is compounded by a lack of resources for community initiatives or investments in community systems to fight TB. To support community engagement, the Stop TB Partnership provides grants to communities, civil society, and grassroots organizations for technically sound and innovative interventions through the Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS).

Supported by USAID and the Global Fund Strategic Initiative to Find the Missing People with TB, the CFCS is the Stop TB Partnership’s grant mechanism for TB-affected community and civil society grassroots organizations to transform the TB response so that it promotes and protects human rights and gender equality. Strengthening community and civil society actors is an ethical and programmatic imperative in this pursuit.

The CFCS supports community and civil society actors to engage in community-driven and high-level advocacy, overcome the barriers to accessing services, and monitor the TB response so that governments are accountable to the commitments they made in the 2018 UN Political Declaration on TB.

The goal of the CFCS is to build recognized civil society or community networks that represent, support and are accountable to TB communities, so that they can collaborate and take part in national and global TB responses.