Almost nine million people around the world become ill with tuberculosis (TB) each year. More than one-third of them fail to gain access to accurate diagnosis or effective treatment and are suffering and dying needlessly from this curable disease. Many of these people live in poverty-stricken areas and have very limited or nonexistent access to health services.
Additionally, the failure to detect so many infectious TB cases is thwarting our efforts to reduce the spread of TB and eliminate it This problem cannot be solved by any single organization or country.
The main objective of TB REACH is to increase case detection of TB, detect the disease as early as possible, and ensure timely and complete treatment while maintaining high TB cure rates. TB REACH focuses on reaching people with limited or no access to TB services and looking for innovative ways to do this.
Governments and civil society must strive jointly to introduce and implement innovative and ground-breaking techniques, interventions, approaches and activities that result in detecting the undetected TB cases, leading to a reduced rate of transmissions and preventing the emergence of drug-resistant forms of TB.
Through a wave based funding, TB REACH awards grants up to US $1,000,000 for a one year period to selected institutions or organizations that have put forward successful proposals in a timely fashion in order to detect additional TB cases.
Core structures
A small team, housed within the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat in Geneva and hosted by UNOPS, administers TB REACH.
For more information, please contact tbreach@stoptb.org.
Dr Jacob Creswell
Team leader
e-mail: jacobc@stoptb.org
Ms Zhi Zhen Qin
Technical Officer
e-mail: zhizhenq@stoptb.org
Ms Amera Khan
Technical Officer
e-mail: amerak@stoptb.org
Mr Toufiq Rahman
Technical Officer
e-mail: toufiqr@stoptb.org
Ms Pauline Vandewalle
Programme Officer
e-mail: paulinev@stoptb.org
Ms Kerrie Tyas
TB REACH Programme Assistant
e-mail: kerriet@stoptb.org
Programme Steering Group
This group is an impartial team of experts which provides general oversight and advice to the to the Stop TB Partnership Executive Secretary and the TB REACH secretariat regarding programme and organizational development in order to improve the relevance, impact and sustainability of the work of TBREACH.
Click here [.pdf] for more information.
Click here [.pdf] for the list of members.
First meeting of TB REACH PSG on 15 January 2010
Second Meeting of TB REACH PSG on 10 November 2010
Third meeting of TB REACH PSG on 25 October 2011
Proposal Review Committee
This is an independent committee whose role is to guarantee an open and transparent application review process.
Click here [.pdf] for more information.
Click here [.pdf] for the list of members.
TB REACH ‘Transition to Scale Up’ Grants Framework
TB REACH is implemented in line with the ‘Transition to Scale Up’ Grants Framework which was developed with the guidance of TB REACH’s Program Steering Group (PSG) in June 2016. The ‘Transition to Scale Up’ Grants Framework guides and supports grantees in testing out innovative approaches to fight TB, scaling up proven successful initiatives and eventually moving beyond TB REACH support towards uptake by National TB Programmes (NTPs) and/or other external donors.
TB REACH Monitoring and Evaluation Agency
The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of all projects is essential for showing the increase in the number of TB cases detected and the additionality for the targeted population.
The project will have internal M&E (the responsibility of the applicant, therefore included in the application) and an external M&E done by an independent agency, selected and funded by TB REACH.
The Agency selected for this purpose through a competitive process is HLSP and KIT. The independent agency will ensure that each accepted application will have the project baseline data validated either by a desk-review, or through a field visit prior to the signature of the grant agreement. It will also review the reports submitted during the implementation and at the end of the project and track project progress.
TB REACH - Global Fund Collaboration
Building on several years of growing collaboration between TB REACH/Stop TB Partnership and the Global Fund, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in 2017 between the two organizations to intensify their relations for improved quality and impact of Global Fund TB investments TB focusing on improved TB case detection. TB REACH and the Global Fund will more systematically facilitate promotion, continuation and scale-up of TB REACH interventions that improve case detection, linkage to treatment and reporting of TB or improved treatment adherence and outcomes. Special focus is placed on the Global Fund 13 priority countries for Matching Funding for TB as well as on the 14 additional impact countries, which together represent 83% of all missing TB cases globally. Experiences and best practices of TB REACH interventions will be regularly shared so as to facilitate their sustainability and scale-up, such as through the inclusion in Global Fund allocations and catalytic funding as well as by linkage to country coordinating mechanisms, country dialogues, and (sub-) principal recipients. The Memorandum of Understanding can be found here.
In addition to the MoU between TB REACH and the Global Fund, TB REACH and Stop TB Partnership also engage in a three-year long project (2017-2020) on finding the missing cases for TB. Stop TB Partnership and the World Health Organization were selected by the Global Fund to carry out a comprehensive work package. The Global Fund, through its Strategic Initiative for TB, has made available nearly USD 10 million to the two implementing agencies to support 13 Catalytic Funding TB priority countries and partners to intensify and align their efforts for finding the missing cases of TB. In particular, TB REACH will provide support to countries to find the missing people with TB through ambitious target setting, programming of new and bold interventions and monitoring of implementation of results.
Report of the 2013 mid-term evaluation of the TB REACH initiative and Management response to its recommendations.
Click on the link for the 2013 mid-term evaluation report.[.pdf]
Click on the link for the Management response.[.pdf]
Report of the 2010-2015 external evaluation of the TB REACH initiative and Management response to its recommendations.
Click on the link for the evaluation report of the 2010-2015 TB REACH initiative.[.pdf]
Click on the link for the Management response.[.pdf]
In This Section
TB REACH 2013 Video
TB REACH Fact Sheet [.pdf]
TB REACH Wave 1 Report
Examples of how TB REACH grantees are reaching vulnerable population groups
Wave 1 Results Video
View in: Flash or Windows media
TB REACH 2012 Video
View in: Flash or Windows media