Sunday, February 27, 2011 - 06:00
Boston, USA

The Stop TB Department of the World Health Organization and the Consortium to Respond Effectively to the AIDS/TB Epidemic (CREATE) organized an HIV/TB research frontiers meeting on behalf of the TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership affiliated with the 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2011) in Boston, USA on 27 February, 2011. The meeting was co-chaired by Dr Diane Havlir, the chair of the TB/HIV Working Group and Dr Richard Chaisson from Johns Hopkins University and CREATE, and was attended by about 80 HIV researchers and policy makers, including Ambassador Eric Goosby, the United States Global AIDS Coordinator. The main objective of the meeting was to discuss emerging and unpublished data about the new Xpert MTB/RIF diagnostic tool and explore its implication in the diagnosis of TB among people living with HIV. The meeting also discussed the implication of the mouse model for the development of new TB drugs and explored its implication for people living with HIV. TB/HIV received high profile at the main conference this year with a symposium on "Colliding epidemics: Controlling HIV-related TB" co-convened by the Stop TB Department of WHO and the University of San Diego, as well as results of the STRIDE and SAPIT randomized control trials on when to start ART in TB patients living with HIV presented. For the more in-depth report please visit the link below.

Meeting report with presentations