Tuesday, February 16, 2010 - 06:00
San Francisco, USA

The Stop TB Department of the World Health Organization and the Consortium to Respond Effectively to the AIDS/TB Epidemic organized an HIV/TB research frontiers meeting on behalf of the TB/HIV Working Group of the Stop TB Partnership affiliated with the 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2010) in San Francisco, USA on 16 February, 2010. This was the fourth in a series of meetings organized by WHO and CREATE since 2007. The meeting was co-chaired by Dr Kenneth Castro, Assistant Surgeon General and Director of Division of Tuberculosis Elimination Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Dr Alison Grant, Head of the Clinical Research Unit in London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Attended by more than 65 HIV researchers and public health policy makers, the main objective of the meeting was to promote high level scientific interchange of ideas and debates around isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) and its role in improving survival among people living with HIV so as to generate questions for future research. New data on the impact of IPT on mortality of people living with HIV was presented from Botswana, India and South Africa. For the more in-depth report please visit the link below.

Meeting report with presentations