Two years post UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on the fight against tuberculosis: advances and setbacks in high drug-resistant TB burden countries








Operational Research Protocol Template for the "Evaluation of Effectiveness and Safety of Novel Shorter Treatment Regimens for Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis"

This document describes a generic protocol for the operational evaluation of novel shorter standardized treatment regimens for MDR-TB to support countries that are interested in piloting these regimens. It provides information about procedures for enrolment, treatment and follow-up, and should be adapted to the specific regimen and patient population selected. Selected regimen design should be described in the final protocol document. This generic protocol is itself adapted from the STREAM trial (the evaluation of a Standardised Treatment Regimen of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs for Patients with MDR-TB) by members of the Global Drug-resistant Tuberculosis Initiative. Countries are encouraged to adapt this generic protocol to their local settings.

"Tuberculosis, Human Rights and the Law: A Compendium of Case Law" is designed to serve as an archive of case law involving tuberculosis, human rights and law from domestic and regional jurisdictions. The case law is summarized for convenience and use by readers and arranged based on broad thematic issues. The aim of the arrangement is to illustrate the international scope of the legal issues involved and to provide insights to readers in one jurisdiction about how cases have been adjudicated elsewhere.

A Costed Framework for the Global Drug Resistant TB Initiative

This document addresses the current progress at the global level in addressing MDR-TB; the global policy environment; the current major global streams of work on MDR-TB; an assessment of what GDI has achieved so far, and, through a limited SWOT analysis, a definition of its comparative advantage within the MDR-TB space. Finally, a budgeted proposal for GDI’s work over the next two years is presented, with an outline of the costs and their justification.

Global TB Report 2013 and the supplement


Presentations from the webinair on the introduction of new DR-TB drugs, 6 August 2015


WHO consensus document on the essential elements for implementation of monitoring the safety of anti-TB drugs (aDSM), November 2015

aDSM Framework for implementation

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