World TB Day 2025 is 171 days away! |
WHO Global TB Control reportThe 2005 report is embargoed for 00:01 GMT on 24 March and will be posted at that time. Press and MediaFor information about global press events, and information products for press including B-roll and interviews with TB experts and activists. WTBD 2005 EventsRead about activities that are happening around the world for World TB Day. WTBD ArchiveView the past World TB Day websites. Stop TB LogoOur logo usage guide and logo files have been posted online for use by our Partners. Before any materials are reproduced with Stop TB Partnership branding you must request permission from Contact InformationA list of contacts for all your WTBD related inquiries. Stop TB PartnersThe Stop TB Partnership is comprised of many partners working together to fight tuberculosis. Stop TB Mailing List
Subscribe to the Stop TB Partnership mailing list to receive updates on information from the Stop TB Partnership, its Working Groups, and its Partners. Fact Sheets on TB/HIVInformation and answers on TB/HIV |
The Stop TB Partnership Secretariat commends all of our partners for organizing a successful World TB Day this year.This year, events covered a variety of issues including frontline TB care providers, patient and TB-affected communities, TB/HIV, multidrug-resistant TB, community based DOTS, TB and poverty, public-private partnerships and business initiatives.
Call for information -- World TB Day 2005 Highlights ReportSend us all you've got! We want to document all activities, and hope to collect as much information as possible for World TB Day this year to publish in the 2005 World TB Day Highlights report. Please send us a packet of all materials that you used in your campaigns including posters, T-shirts, information packets, press coverage samples, etc. We will be sure to send you a copy of the report once published.
The Panos Global AIDS Programme and Stop TB Partnership invite print and photo journalists from India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, Philippines, Zambia, Ethiopia, Malawi and Haiti to apply for a three-month fellowship to write/photograph issues around TB, and TB & HIV/AIDS.