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Organization Contact Information

Name: TINPSWALO ASSOCIATION - Vincentian Association to Fight AIDS & TB
Street 1: Av. Hospital
Street 2:
City: Chokwe
Province: Gaza
Post Code: 00035
Country: Mozambique
Phone: 825133571
Organization Email:
Web Site:
Other Online Presence:

Focal Point Contact Information

Salutation: Dr
First Name: Edy
Last Name: Nacarapa
Title: President of Tinpswalo Association
Phone: 825133571

Alternate Focal Point Contact Information

Salutation: Mr
First Name: Nilton
Last Name: Ngoca
Title: Vice-President of Tinpswalo Association

General Information

Board Constituency: None
Is your organization legally registered in your country: Yes
If yes, please enter your registration number: 19A
Organization Type - Primary: Non-Governmental Organization
Organization Type - Secondary: Community-Based Organization (CBO)
Organization Description:
The TINPSWALO Association focuses on the following objectives:
a) Provide psychological, medical and social assistance to patients infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and / or coinfected with bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB).
b) To create a team that offers quality health care to patients infected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and / or coinfected with bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis. And the people around.
c) To create a group of health researchers who carry out their task in studies of new treatment strategies for HIV infection, as well as TB, and associated diseases.
d) Create a group of Social Workers who carry out their task in Social Assistance aimed at patients infected and affected by both HIV, TB and associated diseases.
e) Disseminate and stimulate knowledge about the treatment, research and prevention of both HIV and TB in the general population.
f) Identify projects of an educational and formative nature in the field of health promotion, treatment, research and prevention of both HIV and TB in the general population.
g) Establish partnerships with localities within the District to better plan and design development in the field of health promotion, treatment, research and prevention of both HIV and TB at the district level;
(h) Develop creative, recreational, educational and educational events, conferences, colloquiums, seminars and meetings at the district level to consolidate knowledge in the field of health promotion, treatment, research and prevention of HIV and AIDS. TB as well as the achievement of its main objective;
i) Establish and develop actions for the exchange of ideas and experiences with national and international counterparts in order to achieve the most
Do you know about the UNHLM declaration: Yes

Specializations / Areas of Work

Civil Society and Community Engagement
Delivery of health services and care
Research and Development

Other Organization Information

Total number of staff in your organization: 11 - 25
Number of full-time staff who are directly involved with TB: 11 - 25
Number of part-time staff who are directly involved with TB: 6 - 10
Number of volunteers who are directly involved with TB: 11 - 25
How did you hear about the Stop TB Partnership: Internet search
If you were informed or referred by another partner of the Stop TB Partnership please tell us who: HOSPITAL CARMELO OF CHOKWE
Why do you wish join the Stop TB Partnership: Resource mobilization
Are you a member of a Stop TB national partnership: No
Are you in contact with your national TB programme: No
Please tell us how your organization is contributing to your country's national TB control plan:
TINPSWALO ASSOCIATION is providing patient support in CHOKWE DISTRICT, Mozambique
Treatment is being coordinated with the local
government units, and volunteers are recognized as
treatment partners by these government units.
TINPSWALO ASSOCIATION continues to share information
with at risk communities regarding the availability of services.
Additionally, TINPSWALO ASSOCIATION identifies possible pediatric TB patients through annual health exams at its medical clinics. Suspected cases are referred to government clinics for evaluation for TB. Contacts of suspected and confirmed cases are also encouraged to seek TB evaluation services from the government program. Volunteers follow-up with suspected cases to encourage them to seek evaluation and any necessary treatment.

Geographical Reach

Which country is your headquarters located in: Mozambique
Which countries do you do operate in:
(This includes countries you are conducting activities in)


Please tell us how your organization will contribute to the Global Plan to Stop TB by briefly describing its involvement in any of the areas of work listed below:

TB Care Delivery:
a) Provide psychological, medical and social assistance to patients infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and / or coinfected with bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB).
b) To create a team that offers quality health care to patients infected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and / or coinfected with bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis. And the people around.

The TINPSWALO Association focuses on the following objectives:
a) Provide psychological, medical and social assistance to patients infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and / or coinfected with bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB).
b) To create a team that offers quality health care to patients infected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus, and / or coinfected with bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis. And the people around.
c) To create a group of health researchers who carry out their task in studies of new treatment strategies for HIV infection, as well as TB, and associated diseases.
d) Create a group of Social Workers who carry out their task in Social Assistance aimed at patients infected and affected by both HIV, TB and associated diseases.
e) Disseminate and stimulate knowledge about the treatment, research and prevention of both HIV and TB in the general population.
f) Identify projects of an educational and formative nature in the field of health promotion, treatment, research and prevention of both HIV and TB in the general population.
g) Establish partnerships with localities within the District to better plan and design development in the field of health promotion, treatment, research and prevention of both HIV and TB at the district level;
(h) Develop creative, recreational, educational and educational events, conferences, colloquiums, seminars and meetings at the district level to consolidate knowledge in the field of health promotion, treatment, research and prevention of HIV and AIDS. TB as well as the achievement of its main objective;
i) Establish and develop actions for the exchange of ideas and experiences with national and international counterparts in order to achieve the most

To create a group of health researchers who carry out their task in studies of new treatment strategies for HIV infection, as well as TB, and associated diseases.


Declaration of interests:
We declare no Conflict of Interest

Application date: July 1, 2018
Last updated: July 13, 2019