General Information |
Board Constituency: |
Developing Country NGO |
Is your organization legally registered in your country: |
Yes |
If yes, please enter your registration number: |
Organization Type - Primary: |
Non-Governmental Organization |
Organization Type - Secondary: |
Community-Based Organization (CBO) |
Organization Description: |
LifeCare Ghana (LIFECARE) should be a reputable organization dedicated to conserving the environment, improving education quality delivery, enhancing Health status, food security and opportunities for most disadvantaged in society through partnership and volunteering.
Our objectives are: 1. To promote health and environmentally sustainable livelihood practices. 2. To improve the rights of women, children, PLWHAs and People With Disability 3. To facilitate knowledge sharing and skills acquisition for self help efforts and sustainable development. LIFECARE;s interest in Tuberculosis is informed by our resolve to help disadvantaged dying from preventable deaths. We aim to strengthen local structures to engage in self-advocacy efforts to bring about increase access to health and increase responsiveness of duty bearers. As a member of Coalition of NGOs in Health, we are engaged in advocacy and health promotion to bring about increased access to health using Ghana Health Insurance policy as entry points. |
Do you know about the UNHLM declaration: |
Other Organization Information |
Total number of staff in your organization: |
11 - 25 |
Number of full-time staff who are directly involved with TB: |
1 - 5 |
Number of part-time staff who are directly involved with TB: |
1 - 5 |
Number of volunteers who are directly involved with TB: |
1 - 5 |
How did you hear about the Stop TB Partnership: |
Other partners |
If you were informed or referred by another partner of the Stop TB Partnership please tell us who: |
Why do you wish join the Stop TB Partnership: |
Resource mobilization |
Are you a member of a Stop TB national partnership: |
Ghana |
Are you in contact with your national TB programme: |
Yes |
Please tell us how your organization is contributing to your country's national TB control plan: |
We are engage in advocacy and health promotion to bring about increased access to health using Ghana Health Insurance policy as entry points. |
Geographical Reach |
Which country is your headquarters located in: |
Ghana |
Which countries do you do operate in: (This includes countries you are conducting activities in) |
Ghana |