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Organization Contact Information

Name: Citizen News Service - CNS
Street 1: C-2211, C-block crossing
Street 2: Indira Nagar
City: Lucknow
Province: UP
Post Code: 226016
Country: India
Phone: +91-98390-73355
Organization Email:
Web Site:
Other Online Presence:

Focal Point Contact Information

Salutation: Ms
First Name: Shobha
Last Name: Shukla
Title: Executive Director and Managing Editor
Phone: +91-94157-85055

Alternate Focal Point Contact Information

Salutation: Mr
First Name: Bobby
Last Name: Ramakant
Title: Director (Policy and Operations)
Phone: +91-98390-73355

General Information

Board Constituency: Developing Country NGO
Is your organization legally registered in your country: Yes
If yes, please enter your registration number:
Organization Type - Primary: Non-Governmental Organization
Organization Type - Secondary: Other Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
Organization Description:
CNS specializes in in-depth and rights-based, health and science journalism and syndicating news feature articles to online and print media globally. CNS believes that voices of key affected populations are also key to the TB response at every level. CNS documents experiential and lived knowledge of people with TB on an ongoing basis. CNS also manages the Global Stop-TB eForum, and actively hosts online consultations on TB related issues. People who have successfully completed anti-TB treatment are part of CNS team.
Do you know about the UNHLM declaration:

Specializations / Areas of Work

Technical Assistance

Other Organization Information

Total number of staff in your organization: 51 - 99
Number of full-time staff who are directly involved with TB: 6 - 10
Number of part-time staff who are directly involved with TB: 1 - 5
Number of volunteers who are directly involved with TB: 100 +
How did you hear about the Stop TB Partnership: Stop TB communications
If you were informed or referred by another partner of the Stop TB Partnership please tell us who:
Why do you wish join the Stop TB Partnership: Involvement in Stop TB Working Groups
Are you a member of a Stop TB national partnership: No
Are you in contact with your national TB programme: Yes
Please tell us how your organization is contributing to your country's national TB control plan:
CNS is part of the National Advisory Committee (ACSM) of the Central TB Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India (India's NTP). CNS also contributes to different working groups of ACSM committee of India's NTP. CNS has consistently reported best practices in programmatic management of MDR-TB (PMDT) across the country and DOTS centres apart from highlighting challenges and recommendations for way forward.

Geographical Reach

Which country is your headquarters located in: India
Which countries do you do operate in:
(This includes countries you are conducting activities in)
Brunei Darussalam
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Russian Federation
South Africa
Sri Lanka
United Republic of Tanzania
United States of America
Viet Nam


Please tell us how your organization will contribute to the Global Plan to Stop TB by briefly describing its involvement in any of the areas of work listed below:

TB Care Delivery:
frontline reporting by affected communities and health activists have often drawn attention to neglected or weak areas of DOTS - and led to increased DOTS centres, innovative solutions to local problems, and perhaps, increased new TB case detection - as well as raised awareness about adherence to TB treatment, early diagnosis and drug-resistant TB such as MDR-TB.

Drug-Resistant TB:
CNS has consistently raised alarm on rising drug resistance since early 2000s. Since 2006, when it became apparent how dangerous drug-resistant TB can be the world has taken cognizance. We still believe DOTS for drug susceptible TB can be improved a lot better and for drug-resistant TB cases existing services are very limited and suboptimal. For drug-resistant TB cases, unless we strengthen response to drug-susceptible TB, very less can be achieved. We believe it is a manmade problem. Documenting gaps in current TB responses, drawing attention to innovative community solutions to strengthen DOTS, to raise awareness about TB prevention, diagnosis, treatment - and to engage communities and build their competencies in citizen journalism is our core mission. Community knows best, and their knowledge, expertise and role must be respected with dignity

We manage SEA-AIDS (Asia Pacific regional eForum on HIV) and also the global Stop-TB eForum, apart from managing other communication platforms to engage affected communities in genuine dialogue and bring forth key issues impeding TB-HIV responses in local contexts. CNS also works directly with those who have successfully completed TB treatment to build their writing, analysing and communication competencies so that they can themselves speak their world and contribute to the programme in a more meaningful manner

New Diagnostics:
CNS has consistently documented the need for better, affordable, accessible, accurate and efficient diagnostics for TB in local contexts.

New TB Drugs:
CNS works closely with TB Alliance and prioritises new TB drugs

New TB Vaccines:
CNS works closely with Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation and TBVI for instance and has consistently documented issues around TB vaccines including the need to accelerate the research, development, and eventual introduction of effective, safe, affordable vaccines

CNS also engages in operations research and believes it is key to ensure that every dollar, every cent, is well spent on evidence based programmes


Declaration of interests:

Application date: February 9, 2010
Last updated: January 2, 2014