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Contact General Specializations in Countries Contribution to the Global Plan Declaration

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Organization Contact Information

Name: National Microbiology Laboratory PHAC
Street 1: 1015 Arlington St
Street 2:
City: Winnipeg
Province: Manitoba
Post Code: R3E 3P6
Country: Canada
Phone: 2047892000
Organization Email:
Web Site:
Other Online Presence:

Focal Point Contact Information

Salutation: Dr
First Name: Melissa
Last Name: Rabb
Title: Head. Reference and Diagnostic Services, National Reference Centre for Mycobacteriology

Alternate Focal Point Contact Information

Salutation: Dr
First Name: Melissa
Last Name: Rabb

General Information

Board Constituency: None
Is your organization legally registered in your country: Yes
If yes, please enter your registration number: no idea
Organization Type - Primary: Governmental Organization
Organization Type - Secondary: None
Organization Description:
Canadian Federal Public Health Agency, I am the Head of the diagnostic and reference section for Mycobacteriology
Do you know about the UNHLM declaration: Yes

Specializations / Areas of Work

Delivery of health services and care
Research and Development

Other Organization Information

Total number of staff in your organization: 100 +
Number of full-time staff who are directly involved with TB: 6 - 10
Number of part-time staff who are directly involved with TB: 0
Number of volunteers who are directly involved with TB: 0
How did you hear about the Stop TB Partnership: World TB Day
If you were informed or referred by another partner of the Stop TB Partnership please tell us who:
Why do you wish join the Stop TB Partnership: Involvement in Stop TB Working Groups
Are you a member of a Stop TB national partnership: No
Are you in contact with your national TB programme: No
Please tell us how your organization is contributing to your country's national TB control plan:
Identification and AST of M. tuberculosis, whole genome sequencing of TB

Geographical Reach

Which country is your headquarters located in: Canada
Which countries do you do operate in:
(This includes countries you are conducting activities in)


Please tell us how your organization will contribute to the Global Plan to Stop TB by briefly describing its involvement in any of the areas of work listed below:

Drug-Resistant TB:
Identification and AST of drug-resistant TB in Canada

Laboratory Strengthening:
Training provincial laboratories in TB diagnostics, novel WGS approaches. Training northern communities in GeneXpert

New Diagnostics:
Developing and using WGS for molecular prediction of resistance

New TB Drugs:
Researching addition of new drugs to AST

Studying WGS from direct patient samples


Declaration of interests:

Application date: August 16, 2021
Last updated: March 27, 2025